Meteor publish user.profile未显示在订阅上

Meteor publish user.profile未显示在订阅上,meteor,meteor-publications,Meteor,Meteor Publications,这是我在meteor publishComposite软件包中使用的代码。由于某些原因,我无法从订阅中获取配置文件。我可以显示,但不能显示user.profile Meteor.publishComposite('jobs', { find: function() { var user = null; if (this.userId) { user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.u

这是我在meteor publishComposite软件包中使用的代码。由于某些原因,我无法从订阅中获取配置文件。我可以显示

Meteor.publishComposite('jobs', {
    find: function() {
        var user = null;
        if (this.userId) {
            user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId);

            if ( user && user.profile && user.profile.isAdmin ) {
                return Jobs.find({}, { sort: { createdAt: -1 }});
            } else if(user && user._id) {
                return Jobs.find({'createdBy': user._id});
        } else {
            return this.ready();
    children: [
            find: function(job) {
                // Find post author. Even though we only want to return
                // one record here, we use "find" instead of "findOne"
                // since this function should return a cursor.
                return Meteor.users.find(
                    _id: job.createdBy
                    fields: {
                        'profile': 1, 
                        'createdAt': 1
