Microsoft graph api Get/me/events/{id}返回不正确的日历对象

Microsoft graph api Get/me/events/{id}返回不正确的日历对象,microsoft-graph-api,microsoft-graph-calendar,Microsoft Graph Api,Microsoft Graph Calendar,我试图从/me/events?$expand=calendar端点获取事件列表 并返回正确的日历对象作为响应 然而,当我试图获取一个特定事件时,我收到了一个不同的日历。 使用的API:/me/events/{id}?$expand=calendar 用户有4个日历(使用/me/calendars验证)。 并且从/me/events/{id}?$expand=calendar接收的日历id与其中任何一个都不匹配 编辑 以下是更多澄清的回复 结束点列出所有日历 https://graph.micro

端点获取事件列表 并返回正确的日历对象作为响应

然而,当我试图获取一个特定事件时,我收到了一个不同的日历。 使用的API:
用户有4个日历(使用/me/calendars验证)。 并且从



  • 结束点列出所有日历

        "value": [
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                "name": "Calendar",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": true,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": true,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "<Name>",
                    "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_2>",
                "name": "Birthdays",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": false,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": false,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "TestVoIP 1",
                    "address": "<Email>"
        "value": [
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>", // Note that this is the calendar id for EVENT_ID_1
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_2>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
        "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
        ... some other properties
        "calendar": {
            "id": "<DIFFERENT_CALENDAR_ID>", // Note that this is entirely different calendar id than we noted in list of events response AND its not available in list of calendars response too
            "name": null,
            "color": "auto",
            "changeKey": null,
            "canShare": false,
            "canViewPrivateItems": false,
            "canEdit": false,
            "owner": null

        "value": [
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                "name": "Calendar",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": true,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": true,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "<Name>",
                    "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_2>",
                "name": "Birthdays",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": false,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": false,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "TestVoIP 1",
                    "address": "<Email>"
        "value": [
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>", // Note that this is the calendar id for EVENT_ID_1
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_2>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
        "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
        ... some other properties
        "calendar": {
            "id": "<DIFFERENT_CALENDAR_ID>", // Note that this is entirely different calendar id than we noted in list of events response AND its not available in list of calendars response too
            "name": null,
            "color": "auto",
            "changeKey": null,
            "canShare": false,
            "canViewPrivateItems": false,
            "canEdit": false,
            "owner": null
    “id”:“”//请注意,这是事件\u id\u 1的日历id
  • 获取ID为的事件$expand=日历

        "value": [
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                "name": "Calendar",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": true,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": true,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "<Name>",
                    "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_2>",
                "name": "Birthdays",
                "color": "auto",
                "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                "canShare": false,
                "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                "canEdit": false,
                "owner": {
                    "name": "TestVoIP 1",
                    "address": "<Email>"
        "value": [
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>", // Note that this is the calendar id for EVENT_ID_1
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
                "id": "<EVENT_ID_2>",
                ... some other properties
                "calendar": {
                    "id": "<CALENDAR_ID_1>",
                    "name": "Calendar",
                    "color": "auto",
                    "changeKey": "<changeKey>",
                    "canShare": true,
                    "canViewPrivateItems": true,
                    "canEdit": true,
                    "owner": {
                        "name": "<Name>",
                        "address": "<Email>"
        "id": "<EVENT_ID_1>",
        ... some other properties
        "calendar": {
            "id": "<DIFFERENT_CALENDAR_ID>", // Note that this is entirely different calendar id than we noted in list of events response AND its not available in list of calendars response too
            "name": null,
            "color": "auto",
            "changeKey": null,
            "canShare": false,
            "canViewPrivateItems": false,
            "canEdit": false,
            "owner": null