
将MongoDB查询转换为mongoexport,mongodb,mongoexport,Mongodb,Mongoexport,我有以下Mongo查询 db.CustUser.find( {"transactionData": {"$elemMatch": {"createdAt": {"$lte": ISODate("2013-07-15T00:00:00Z")}}}, "emailsSubscribed": true}, {"fname": 1, "email": 1, "_id": 0}).limit(150000).sort({"_id": -1}) 我正在尝试将结果导出到CSV。mongoexport能够进行


{"transactionData": {"$elemMatch": {"createdAt": {"$lte": ISODate("2013-07-15T00:00:00Z")}}}, "emailsSubscribed": true},
{"fname": 1, "email": 1, "_id": 0}).limit(150000).sort({"_id": -1})





Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


--query '{ $query: {}, $orderby: {count: -1} }'


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less

Use --sort conjunction with --skip and --limit to limit number of exported documents.

Mongoexport 2.2.x版可以执行一些操作—查询和排序。它不支持限制-该选项在2.6版中受支持



Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


--query '{ $query: {}, $orderby: {count: -1} }'


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less

Use --sort conjunction with --skip and --limit to limit number of exported documents.

Mongoexport 2.2.x版可以执行一些操作—查询和排序。它不支持限制-该选项在2.6版中受支持



Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


--query '{ $query: {}, $orderby: {count: -1} }'


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less

Use --sort conjunction with --skip and --limit to limit number of exported documents.

Mongoexport 2.2.x版可以执行一些操作—查询和排序。它不支持限制-该选项在2.6版中受支持



Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


--query '{ $query: {}, $orderby: {count: -1} }'


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less


Provides a JSON document as a query that optionally limits the documents returned in the export.
Specifies a maximum number of documents to include in the export. See limit() for information about the underlying operation.
Specifies an ordering for exported results. If an index does not exist that can support the sort operation, the results must be less

Use --sort conjunction with --skip and --limit to limit number of exported documents.
