
Mongodb从现有文档更新时间戳到日期,mongodb,datetime,timestamp,mongodb-query,Mongodb,Datetime,Timestamp,Mongodb Query,我有这个MongoDB文档,我想将newDate更新为使用单个MongoDB查询的db中的timestamp值,如下所示 { "_id" : ObjectId("54ec60dae4b07e1ee10a899d"), "_class" : "com.lybrate.core.phoenix.event.PhxEventTracking", "rfpId" : "198163", "eventType" : "QnA", "eventId" : "49548


    "_id" : ObjectId("54ec60dae4b07e1ee10a899d"),
    "_class" : "com.lybrate.core.phoenix.event.PhxEventTracking",
    "rfpId" : "198163",
    "eventType" : "QnA",
    "eventId" : "49548",
    "paramType" : "S",
    "timestamp" : NumberLong("1424777434982"),
    "utm_source" : "email",
    "utm_medium" : "gw",
    "utm_content" : "null",
    "utm_term" : "null",
    "utm_campaign" : "Email_050215_gw_askq",
    "referrer" : "",
    "source" : "PS-AQP",
    "e_stat" : "rejected ",
    "a_time" : NumberLong("1424802600000"),
    "newdDate" : ISODate("0NaN-NaN-NaNTNaN:NaN:NaNZ"),
    "newDate" : ISODate("2015-03-27T08:32:31.679Z")




db.phxEventTracking.update({"eventType":"QnA"},{$set:{newDate:new ISODate(this.timestamp)}},{upsert:false,multi:true})

以下是mongo shell中记录的ISODate函数的代码:

db.test.insert({ date: new ISODate(this.variable1) });

db.test.insert({ date: new ISODate(this.variable2) });
function (isoDateStr){
    if (!isoDateStr)
        return new Date();

    var isoDateRegex = /(\d{4})-?(\d{2})-?(\d{2})([T ](\d{2})(:?(\d{2})(:?(\d{2}(\.\d+)?))?)?(Z|([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?)?)?/;
    var res = isoDateRegex.exec(isoDateStr);

    if (!res)
        throw "invalid ISO date";

    var year = parseInt(res[1],10) || 1970; // this should always be present
    var month = (parseInt(res[2],10) || 1) - 1;
    var date = parseInt(res[3],10) || 0;
    var hour = parseInt(res[5],10) || 0;
    var min = parseInt(res[7],10) || 0;
    var sec = parseInt((res[9] && res[9].substr(0,2)),10) || 0;
    var ms = Math.round((parseFloat(res[10]) || 0) * 1000);
    if (ms == 1000) {
        ms = 0;
    if (sec == 60) {
        sec = 0;
    if (min == 60) {
        min = 0;
    if (hour == 24) {
        hour = 0;   // the day wrapped, let JavaScript figure out the rest
        var tempTime = Date.UTC(year, month, date, hour, min, sec, ms);
        tempTime += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;    // milliseconds in a day
        var tempDate = new Date(tempTime);
        year = tempDate.getUTCFullYear();
        month = tempDate.getUTCMonth();
        date = tempDate.getUTCDate();

    var time = Date.UTC(year, month, date, hour, min, sec, ms);

    if (res[11] && res[11] != 'Z'){
        var ofs = 0;
        ofs += (parseInt(res[13],10) || 0) * 60*60*1000; // hours
        ofs += (parseInt(res[14],10) || 0) *    60*1000; // mins
        if (res[12] == '+') // if ahead subtract
            ofs *= -1;

        time += ofs

    return new Date(time);