
如何查找MySQL查询结果中两行的差异,mysql,sql,subquery,Mysql,Sql,Subquery,我有以下MySQL查询: SET @rowno= 0; SELECT @rowno:=@rowno+1 AS `row`,`year`,`year_average` FROM( /*get the average from the start of the 10 year period and the current period*/ SELECT year,AVG(value) AS year_average FROM /* get all records that have techn


SET @rowno= 0;
SELECT @rowno:=@rowno+1 AS `row`,`year`,`year_average` FROM(
/*get the average from the start of the 10 year period and the current period*/  

SELECT year,AVG(value) AS year_average FROM
/* get all records that have technical and trade school industry code */
(SELECT * FROM `allcesseries`
   WHERE series_id LIKE concat('%',(SELECT industry_code FROM `ceindustry` WHERE industry_name LIKE      '%Technical and trade schools%'),'%')) AS trade_schools
WHERE trade_schools.year = (2014-10) OR trade_schools.year = 2014
GROUP BY year) AS t

row | year | year_average
 1    2004   76.24
 2    2014   99.9


  (SELECT AVG(value)
  FROM allcesseries
  WHERE series_id LIKE concat('%',(SELECT industry_code FROM `ceindustry` WHERE industry_name LIKE '%Technical and trade schools%'),'%')
    AND year = 2014)
  (SELECT AVG(value)
  FROM allcesseries
  WHERE series_id LIKE concat('%',(SELECT industry_code FROM `ceindustry` WHERE industry_name LIKE '%Technical and trade schools%'),'%')
    AND year = 2004)
) AS difference