
不带硬编码列名的Nhibernate查询版本排序规则,nhibernate,queryover,Nhibernate,Queryover,因此,我有以下sql 从名称对照拉丁语1_GENERAL_CI_AI如“myText%”的表格中选择* 我想用QueryOver实现它 目前我有: whereRestriction.Add(Expression.Sql("Name COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AI LIKE ?", String.Format("{0}%", subStringMatch), HibernateUtil.String)); 这很好,但有两个问题。首先,它是特定于sqlserver的,其次





whereRestriction.Add(Expression.Sql("Name COLLATE LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AI LIKE ?", String.Format("{0}%", subStringMatch), HibernateUtil.String));




public class LikeCollationExpression : LikeExpression
    const string CollationDefinition = " COLLATE {0} ";
    const string Latin_CI_AI = "LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AI";

    // just a set of constructors
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, char? escapeChar, bool ignoreCase) : base(propertyName, value, escapeChar, ignoreCase) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(IProjection projection, string value, MatchMode matchMode) : base(projection, value, matchMode) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value) : base(propertyName, value) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, MatchMode matchMode) : base(propertyName, value, matchMode) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, MatchMode matchMode, char? escapeChar, bool ignoreCase) : base(propertyName, value, matchMode, escapeChar, ignoreCase) { }

    // here we call the base and append the COLLATE
    public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
        // base LIKE
        var result = base.ToSqlString(criteria, criteriaQuery, enabledFilters);

        var sqlStringBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(result);

        // extend it with collate
        sqlStringBuilder.Add(string.Format(CollationDefinition, Latin_CI_AI ));

        return sqlStringBuilder.ToSqlString();



public class LikeCollationExpression : LikeExpression
    const string CollationDefinition = " COLLATE {0} ";
    const string Latin_CI_AI = "LATIN1_GENERAL_CI_AI";

    // just a set of constructors
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, char? escapeChar, bool ignoreCase) : base(propertyName, value, escapeChar, ignoreCase) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(IProjection projection, string value, MatchMode matchMode) : base(projection, value, matchMode) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value) : base(propertyName, value) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, MatchMode matchMode) : base(propertyName, value, matchMode) { }
    public LikeCollationExpression(string propertyName, string value, MatchMode matchMode, char? escapeChar, bool ignoreCase) : base(propertyName, value, matchMode, escapeChar, ignoreCase) { }

    // here we call the base and append the COLLATE
    public override SqlString ToSqlString(ICriteria criteria, ICriteriaQuery criteriaQuery, IDictionary<string, IFilter> enabledFilters)
        // base LIKE
        var result = base.ToSqlString(criteria, criteriaQuery, enabledFilters);

        var sqlStringBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(result);

        // extend it with collate
        sqlStringBuilder.Add(string.Format(CollationDefinition, Latin_CI_AI ));

        return sqlStringBuilder.ToSqlString();

query.WhereLikeCiAi(c => c.Name, "searchedString", MatchMode.Anywhere);