应用程序类型(OpenID Connect)是否对应于客户端类型(OAuth 2.0)?

应用程序类型(OpenID Connect)是否对应于客户端类型(OAuth 2.0)?,oauth,oauth-2.0,openid,Oauth,Oauth 2.0,Openid,“,”有一个名为应用程序\u type的条目,其定义值为本地和网络 application_type OPTIONAL. Kind of the application. The default, if omitted, is web. The defined values are native or web. Web Clients using the OAuth Implicit Grant Type MUST only register URLs using the ht

“,”有一个名为应用程序\u type的条目,其定义值为本地网络

   OPTIONAL. Kind of the application. The default, if omitted, is web.
   The defined values are native or web. Web Clients using the OAuth
   Implicit Grant Type MUST only register URLs using the https scheme
   as redirect_uris; they MUST NOT use localhost as the hostname. Native
   Clients MUST only register redirect_uris using custom URI schemes or
   URLs using the http: scheme with localhost as the hostname.
   Authorization Servers MAY place additional constraints on Native
   Clients. Authorization Servers MAY reject Redirection URI values
   using the http scheme, other than the localhost case for Native
   Clients. The Authorization Server MUST verify that all the registered 
   redirect_uris conform to these constraints. This prevents sharing a
   Client ID across different types of Clients.  
这些定义值是否对应于“(OAuth 2.0)”中描述的公共机密

如果没有,为什么规范(OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0)没有指定客户端类型的条目?有没有办法指定客户端类型(公共或机密)?





Web Clients using the OAuth Implicit Grant Type MUST only
register URLs using the https scheme as redirect_uris; they
MUST NOT use localhost as the hostname. Native Clients MUST
only register redirect_uris using custom URI schemes or URLs
using the http: scheme with localhost as the hostname.
与客户是否“能够维护其凭证的机密性”(来自RFC 6749)无关。换句话说,重定向URI与如何对客户端进行身份验证无关。因此,在我看来,应用程序类型和客户端类型是不同的概念

奇怪的是,所有的OAuth 2.0客户端都必须符合“重定向URI”要求(一个用于Web客户端,另一个用于本机客户端),因此在省略应用程序类型时,将“Web”用作默认值可能是不合适的。总之,当省略应用程序类型时,不应假定“本机”或“web”。但是,我可能遗漏了什么。是否有任何理由将“重定向URI”要求强加于所有OpenID Connect客户端


Web Clients using the OAuth Implicit Grant Type MUST only
register URLs using the https scheme as redirect_uris; they
MUST NOT use localhost as the hostname. Native Clients MUST
only register redirect_uris using custom URI schemes or URLs
using the http: scheme with localhost as the hostname.