Object OCaml中的多态对象更新

Object OCaml中的多态对象更新,object,polymorphism,ocaml,Object,Polymorphism,Ocaml,我想实现一个系统,其中对象在其字段内容上是多态的,并且内容可以更改。也就是说,对象提供了一种通用方法,可以将字段f与类型a\u t的值a和类型b\u t的值b交换给每个字段f 第一次尝试是这样的: class ['a] not_working (a : 'a) = object val _a = a method field_a = _a method modify_a new_a = {< _a = new_a >} end i、 e.修改产生相同类型的对象 我的

我想实现一个系统,其中对象在其字段内容上是多态的,并且内容可以更改。也就是说,对象提供了一种通用方法,可以将字段f与类型a\u t的值a和类型b\u t的值b交换给每个字段f


class ['a] not_working (a : 'a) = object 
  val _a = a
  method field_a = _a
  method modify_a new_a = {< _a = new_a >}
i、 e.修改产生相同类型的对象


class ['fields_t] the_class (fields : 'fields_t) = object

  method field_a = fields#field_a

  method field_b = fields#field_b


let modify_field_a instance new_a = new the_class (object method field_a = new_a ; method field_b = instance#field_b end)

let modify_field_b instance new_b = new the_class (object method field_a = instance#field_a ; method field_b = new_b end)

let instance = new the_class (object method field_a = 1 ; method field_b = "foo" end)

let mod_instance = modify_field_a instance "1"



type 'a foo = < modify: 'b. 'b -> 'b foo >

Characters 4-42:
  type 'a foo = < modify: 'b. 'b -> 'b foo >;;
Error: In the definition of foo, type 'b foo should be 'a foo

# type ('a, 'b) foo = { a: 'a; b: 'b };;
type ('a, 'b) foo = { a : 'a; b : 'b; }

# let new_foo a b = {a; b};;
val new_foo : 'a -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) foo = <fun>

# let modify_a r new_a = { r with a = new_a };;
val modify_a : ('a, 'b) foo -> 'c -> ('c, 'b) foo = <fun>

# let modify_b r new_b = { r with b = new_b };;
val modify_b : ('a, 'b) foo -> 'c -> ('a, 'c) foo = <fun>

非正则递归类型。有趣的如果这确实是问题所在,那么OCaml不支持。。。具有对象上的语法,因为其类型系统无法为函数指定类型。这是因为OCaml不支持行类型变量,即:->'c->不能被类型化,我认为在最初的行中是可能的,这与OCaml缺乏对第一类行变量的支持无关。这是因为非正则类型递归必须经过数据构造函数。记录是数据构造函数,其中as对象是结构类型。对于类似的示例类型“a btree=Nil of”a | Succ of“a*”a btree可以,但不允许类型“a btree=[`Nil of”a | `Succ of“a*”a btree],因为多态变体是结构性的,
# type ('a, 'b) foo = { a: 'a; b: 'b };;
type ('a, 'b) foo = { a : 'a; b : 'b; }

# let new_foo a b = {a; b};;
val new_foo : 'a -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) foo = <fun>

# let modify_a r new_a = { r with a = new_a };;
val modify_a : ('a, 'b) foo -> 'c -> ('c, 'b) foo = <fun>

# let modify_b r new_b = { r with b = new_b };;
val modify_b : ('a, 'b) foo -> 'c -> ('a, 'c) foo = <fun>