Php osTicket使用新票证上载文件

Php osTicket使用新票证上载文件,php,upload,Php,Upload,我正在尝试向客户端表单中添加一个新字段以获取新的票证(不需要工作人员端,但如果都是一样的话…),这样用户就可以上传一个文件。我在管理面板中看到了“允许上传功能”设置,所以我相信这是可能的。我是新来奥斯蒂克特的,所以如果这是显而易见的,请原谅我 我应该编辑哪个文件?你们能给我一个线索吗 There are settings in backend of osticket just enable those ones step1- login to backend of osticket with



There are settings in backend of osticket just enable those ones
 step1- login to backend of osticket with admin privileges
 step2- click on tab settings(next to dashboard).
 step3- within settings click on tab tickets.
 step4- There is Attachment section on this page.enable checkbox in front of 
        **Allow Attachments,online web attachments** etc.
 step5- change other settings as per requirement also you can specify the required file   types like .jpg,.png along with .doc and .pdf.
step6- Save the changes.

 If you want more customization you can edit file here osticket/include/client/