Php 致命错误:未捕获异常旁路

Php 致命错误:未捕获异常旁路,php,include,fatal-error,Php,Include,Fatal Error,我正在编写一个PHP状态脚本,它使用的是其他人编写的PHP类,我在我的PHP脚本中包含的内容(include_once()) 如果某个服务器关闭了它试图检查的脚本,则该类将抛出一个致命错误:uncaughtexceptionerror 有没有办法绕过这个?所以它只会返回0或其他什么 这是全部错误: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'No content was received back from McMyAdmi





Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'No content was received back from McMyAdmin.' in /var/www/admin/mcmyadmin.class.php:1233 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/admin/mcmyadmin.class.php(822): McMyAdmin->request(Array) #1 /var/www/admin/mcmyadmin.class.php(22): McMyAdmin->login('admin', '1337Hax', 'localhost', 9000) #2 /var/www/admin/hub.php(14): McMyAdmin->__construct('admin', 'removed', 'localhost', 9000) #3 {main} thrown in /var/www/admin/mcmyadmin.class.php on line 1233

* McMyAdmin PHP API class.
* Author: Alan Farquharson
* Version: 0.5 - (McMyAdmin V:

class McMyAdmin {

protected $response;
protected $config = array();
protected $logged_in = false;
protected $session_id = null;

* __construct - Optional Params. If chosen, script will login.
* User      Pass    Host    Port
* String    String  String  String
public function __construct($user = 'admin',$pass = '',$host = 'localhost',$port = '8080') {
    if(!empty($user) && !empty($pass) && !empty($host) && !empty($port)) {

* Method addGroupValue
* Group Type    Value   
* String    String  String  
public function addGroupValue ($group, $type, $value) {

if(!$group || !$type || !$value) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'addgroupvalue' , 'group' => $group, 'type' => $type, 'value' => $value));

* Method addLicence
* NewKey    
* String    
public function addLicence ($newkey) {

if(!$newkey) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'addlicence' , 'newkey' => $newkey));

* Method addScheduleItem
* Hours Mins    Type    Param   
* Int32 Int32   EventType [Enum:Int32]  String  
public function addScheduleItem ($hours, $mins, $type, $param) {

if(!$hours || !$mins || !$type || !$param) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'addscheduleitem' , 'hours' => $hours, 'mins' => $mins, 'type' => $type, 'param' => $param));

* Method backupWorld
* Label 
* String    
public function backupWorld ($label) {

if(!$label) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'backupworld' , 'label' => $label));

* Method changePassword
* OldPassword   NewPassword 
* String    String  
public function changePassword ($oldpassword, $newpassword) {

if(!$oldpassword || !$newpassword) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'changepassword' , 'oldpassword' => $oldpassword, 'newpassword' => $newpassword));

* Method changeUserPassword
* Username  NewPassword 
* String    String  
public function changeUserPassword ($username, $newpassword) {

if(!$username || !$newpassword) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'changeuserpassword' , 'username' => $username, 'newpassword' => $newpassword));

* Method createUser
* NewUsername   
* String    
public function createUser ($newusername) {

if(!$newusername) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'createuser' , 'newusername' => $newusername));

* Method deleteBackup
* Index 
* Int32 
public function deleteBackup ($index) {

if(!$index) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'deletebackup' , 'index' => $index));

* Method deleteUser
* Username  
* String    
public function deleteUser ($username) {

if(!$username) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'deleteuser' , 'username' => $username));

* Method deleteWorld
* No Arguments  
public function deleteWorld () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'deleteworld'));

* Method delScheduleItem
* Index 
* Int32 
public function delScheduleItem ($index) {

if(!$index) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'delscheduleitem' , 'index' => $index));

* Method doDiagnostics
* No Arguments  
public function doDiagnostics () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'dodiagnostics'));

* Method getAllGroupInfo
* No Arguments  
public function getAllGroupInfo () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getallgroupinfo'));

* Method getBackupList
* No Arguments  
public function getBackupList () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbackuplist'));

* Method getBackupStatus
* No Arguments  
public function getBackupStatus () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbackupstatus'));

* Method getChat
* Since 
* Int64 
public function getChat ($since) {

if(!$since) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getchat' , 'since' => $since));

* Method getConfig
* Key   
* String    
public function getConfig ($key) {

if(!$key) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getconfig' , 'key' => $key));

* Method getDeleteStatus
* No Arguments  
public function getDeleteStatus () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getdeletestatus'));

* Method getFullConfig
* No Arguments  
public function getFullConfig () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getfullconfig'));

* Method getGroupInfo
* Group 
* String    
public function getGroupInfo ($group) {

if(!$group) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getgroupinfo' , 'group' => $group));

* Method getGroupList
* No Arguments  
public function getGroupList () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getgrouplist'));

* Method getMCMAUsers
* No Arguments  
public function getMCMAUsers () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getmcmausers'));

* Method getPluginCategories
* No Arguments  
public function getPluginCategories () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getplugincategories'));

* Method getPlugins
* No Arguments  
public function getPlugins () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getplugins'));

* Method getProviderInfo
* No Arguments  
public function getProviderInfo () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getproviderinfo'));

* Method getRestoreStatus
* No Arguments  
public function getRestoreStatus () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getrestorestatus'));

* Method getSchedule
* No Arguments  
public function getSchedule () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getschedule'));

* Method getServerInfo
* No Arguments  
public function getServerInfo () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getserverinfo'));

* Method getStatus
* No Arguments  
public function getStatus () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getstatus'));

* Method getTip
* No Arguments  
public function getTip () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'gettip'));

* Method getUpdateStatus
* No Arguments  
public function getUpdateStatus () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getupdatestatus'));

* Method getVersions
* No Arguments  
public function getVersions () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getversions'));

* Method killServer
* No Arguments  
public function killServer () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'killserver'));

* Method logout
* No Arguments  
public function logout () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'logout'));

* Method reload
* No Arguments  
public function reload () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'reload'));

* Method removeGroupValue
* Group Type    Value   
* String    String  String  
public function removeGroupValue ($group, $type, $value) {

if(!$group || !$type || !$value) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'removegroupvalue' , 'group' => $group, 'type' => $type, 'value' => $value));

* Method restartServer
* No Arguments  
public function restartServer () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'restartserver'));

* Method restoreBackup
* Index 
* Int32 
public function restoreBackup ($index) {

if(!$index) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'restorebackup' , 'index' => $index));

* Method runScheduleItem
* Index 
* Int32 
public function runScheduleItem ($index) {

if(!$index) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'runscheduleitem' , 'index' => $index));

* Method scanPlugins
* No Arguments  
public function scanPlugins () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'scanplugins'));

* Method sendChat
* Message   
* String    
public function sendChat ($message) {

if(!$message) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'sendchat' , 'message' => $message));

* Method setConfig
* Key   Value   
* String    String  
public function setConfig ($key, $value) {

if(!$key || !$value) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setconfig' , 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value));

* Method setGroupDefaults
* No Arguments  
public function setGroupDefaults () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setgroupdefaults'));

* Method setMCMAUserAuthMask
* User  Mask    
* String    UInt64  
public function setMCMAUserAuthMask ($user, $mask) {

if(!$user || !$mask) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setmcmauserauthmask' , 'user' => $user, 'mask' => $mask));

* Method setMCMAUserSettingMask
* User  Mask    
* String    UInt32  
public function setMCMAUserSettingMask ($user, $mask) {

if(!$user || !$mask) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setmcmausersettingmask' , 'user' => $user, 'mask' => $mask));

* Method setPluginState
* Plugin    State   
* String    Boolean 
public function setPluginState ($plugin, $state) {

if(!$plugin || !$state) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setpluginstate' , 'plugin' => $plugin, 'state' => $state));

* Method setScheduleDefaults
* No Arguments  
public function setScheduleDefaults () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'setscheduledefaults'));

* Method startServer
* No Arguments  
public function startServer () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'startserver'));

* Method stopServer
* No Arguments  
public function stopServer () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'stopserver'));

* Method unsetMCMAUserAuthMask
* User  Mask    
* String    UInt64  
public function unsetMCMAUserAuthMask ($user, $mask) {

if(!$user || !$mask) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'unsetmcmauserauthmask' , 'user' => $user, 'mask' => $mask));

* Method unsetMCMAUserSettingMask
* User  Mask    
* String    UInt32  
public function unsetMCMAUserSettingMask ($user, $mask) {

if(!$user || !$mask) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'unsetmcmausersettingmask' , 'user' => $user, 'mask' => $mask));

* Method updateMC
* No Arguments  
public function updateMC () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'updatemc'));

* Method updateMCMA
* No Arguments  
public function updateMCMA () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'updatemcma'));

* Method getBukgetPluginInfo
* PluginName    
* String    
public function getBukgetPluginInfo ($pluginname) {

if(!$pluginname) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbukgetplugininfo' , 'pluginname' => $pluginname));

* Method getTokenAuth
* Username  
* String    
public function getTokenAuth ($username) {

if(!$username) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'gettokenauth' , 'username' => $username));

* Method searchBukgetByName
* Name  
* String    
public function searchBukgetByName ($name) {

if(!$name) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'searchbukgetbyname' , 'name' => $name));

* Method uploadBackup
* No Arguments  
public function uploadBackup () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'uploadbackup'));

* Method Login - Used to login to the McMyAdmin server with the supplied details.
* User      Pass    Host    Port
* String    String  String  String
public function login($user = 'admin',$pass = '',$host = 'localhost',$port = '8080') {

    if(!empty($user) && !empty($pass) && !empty($host) && !empty($port)) {
        $this->config['user'] = $user;
        $this->config['pass'] = $pass;
        $this->config['host'] = $host;
        $this->config['port'] = $port;

        $request = $this->request(array('req'=>'login', 'Username'=>$user, 'Password'=>$pass));

        if (isset($request->MCMASESSIONID)) {
            $this->session_id = $request->MCMASESSIONID;

        if($request->success == 1){
            $this->logged_in = true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Incorrect config details');
    } else {
        throw new Exception('Not enough Paramters');


* Method getLoggedIn
* This allows a method to see if user is logged in or not.
private function ensureLoggedIn() {
    if($this->logged_in == false) {
        throw new Exception('Not logged into McMyAdmin');

* Method getPlayers()
* returns PlayerList
public function getPlayers() {
    $request = $this->getStatus();
    $playerlist = array();

    if(isset($request->userinfo)) {
        foreach($request->userinfo as $user => $values) {
            $playerlist[] = $user;

    return $playerlist;

* Method downloadPluginFromURL
* URL   
* String    
public function downloadPluginFromURL ($url) {

if(!$url) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'downloadpluginfromurl' , 'url' => $url));

* Method getBukgetCategories
* No Arguments  
public function getBukgetCategories () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbukgetcategories'));

* Method getExtensions
* No Arguments  
public function getExtensions () {

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getextensions'));

* Method renameGroup
* Group NewName 
* String    String  
public function renameGroup ($group, $newname) {

if(!$group || !$newname) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'renamegroup' , 'group' => $group, 'newname' => $newname));

* Method downloadBukgetPlugin
* PluginName    
* String    
public function downloadBukgetPlugin ($pluginname) {

if(!$pluginname) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'downloadbukgetplugin' , 'pluginname' => $pluginname));

* Method emcSetConfig
* Key   Value   
* String    String  
public function emcSetConfig ($key, $value) {

if(!$key || !$value) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'emcsetconfig' , 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value));

* Method getBukgetPluginsInCategory
* CategoryName  Start   
* String    Int32   
public function getBukgetPluginsInCategory ($categoryname, $start) {

if(!$categoryname || !$start) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbukgetpluginsincategory' , 'categoryname' => $categoryname, 'start' => $start));

* Method searchBukget
* Query 
* String    
public function searchBukget ($query) {

if(!$query) {
    throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

return $this->request(array('req' => 'searchbukget' , 'query' => $query));

* Method sleepServer
* No Arguments  
public function sleepServer () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'sleepserver'));

 * Method createGroup
 * Name
 * String
public function createGroup ($name) {

    if(!$name) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'creategroup' , 'name' => $name));

 * Method deleteGroup
 * Name
 * String
public function deleteGroup ($name) {

    if(!$name) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'deletegroup' , 'name' => $name));

 * Method deleteLegacyBackup
 * Index
 * Int32
public function deleteLegacyBackup ($index) {

    if(!$index) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'deletelegacybackup' , 'index' => $index));

 * Method getBackups
 * No Arguments
public function getBackups () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'getbackups'));

 * Method getLegacyBackupList
 * No Arguments
public function getLegacyBackupList () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'getlegacybackuplist'));

 * Method getLegacyRestoreStatus
 * No Arguments
public function getLegacyRestoreStatus () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'getlegacyrestorestatus'));

 * Method getRAS
 * No Arguments
public function getRAS () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'getras'));

 * Method getWorlds
 * No Arguments
public function getWorlds () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'getworlds'));

 * Method restoreLegacyBackup
 * Index
 * Int32
public function restoreLegacyBackup ($index) {

    if(!$index) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'restorelegacybackup' , 'index' => $index));

 * Method scanWorlds
 * No Arguments
public function scanWorlds () {

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'scanworlds'));

 * Method sendRASconfigChange
 * key  value
 * String   String
public function sendRASconfigChange ($key, $value) {

    if(!$key || !$value) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'sendrasconfigchange' , 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value));

 * Method sendRAScursor
 * x    y
 * Int32    Int32
public function sendRAScursor ($x, $y) {

    if(!$x || !$y) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'sendrascursor' , 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y));

 * Method sendRASviewChange
 * view
 * String
public function sendRASviewChange ($view) {

    if(!$view) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'sendrasviewchange' , 'view' => $view));

 * Method setWorldBackup
 * WorldID  Included
 * String   Boolean
public function setWorldBackup ($worldid, $included) {

    if(!$worldid || !$included) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'setworldbackup' , 'worldid' => $worldid, 'included' => $included));

 * Method takeBackup
 * Label    IncludePermissions  IncludePlugins  IncludeConfig   IncludeServer   IncludeWorlds
 * String   Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean Boolean (Optional - default value is 'True')
public function takeBackup ($label, $includepermissions, $includeplugins, $includeconfig, $includeserver, $includeworlds) {

    if(!$label || !$includepermissions || !$includeplugins || !$includeconfig || !$includeserver || !$includeworlds) {
        throw new Exception('Invalid arguments');

    return $this->request(array('req' => 'takebackup' , 'label' => $label, 'includepermissions' => $includepermissions, 'includeplugins' => $includeplugins, 'includeconfig' => $includeconfig, 'includeserver' => $includeserver, 'includeworlds' => $includeworlds));

* Method request
* This allows a method to send a request to the McMyAdmin data source.
private function request($args = array()) {
    if(empty($this->config['host']) || empty($this->config['port'])) {
        throw new Exception('No host or port has been given');

    if (isset($this->session_id)) {
      $args['MCMASESSIONID'] = $this->session_id;
    } else {
       $args['Token'] = '';

    $param = '';

    if(!empty($args)) {
        $param = http_build_query($args);

    if(!file_exists('cookie.txt')) {
            if(!touch('cookie.txt')) { // You might have to do this yourself.
                throw new Exception('Please create a file named "cookie.txt" and chown it to the webserver and chmod it to 755 (Or alternatively 777 as a last case)');

    $url = 'http://' . $this->config['host'] . ':' . $this->config['port'] . '/data.json?' . $param;
    $ch = curl_init($url);

         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER , array('Content-type: application/json','Accept: application/json'));
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , 1);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Firefox/mozilla McMyAdminClass');
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER , 0);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR , 'cookie.txt');
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE , 'cookie.txt');
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
         curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1);
             $data = curl_exec($ch);

    if(empty($data)) {
        throw new Exception('No content was received back from McMyAdmin.');

    $data = json_decode($data);

return $data;


