Php 拉威尔5号布局图

Php 拉威尔5号布局图,php,layout,laravel-4,laravel-5,Php,Layout,Laravel 4,Laravel 5,我想知道Laravel5中的总体布局是什么样的,如果它在L4中,那么我写了一些代码。我一直在用,但我想要我自己的东西。如果有人能给我一些想法,那将是很有用的 Controller.php: routes.php: <?php abstract class Controller extends BaseController { use DispatchesCommands, ValidatesRequests; protected $layout = null;


Controller.php: routes.php:

abstract class Controller extends BaseController
    use DispatchesCommands, ValidatesRequests;

    protected $layout = null;

    function __construct()

    protected function setPageContent($content)
        if (is_null($this->layout)) {
            throw new Exception('layout was not set');
        return view($this->layout, ['content' => view($content)]);

    public function setLayout()
        $lay = DB::table('layout')->where('selected', 1)->first();//i select the layout from a database
        return $this->layout = $lay->name . ".layouts." . $lay->name; //create a file with the database name

    protected function setView($vista)
        $view = DB::table('layout')->where('selected', 1)->first();
        return $view->name . '/' . $vista;
public function getIndex($page = null)
    if ($page == null) {
       return $this->setPageContent($this->setView('index')); 
    } else {
        return $this->setPageContent($this->setView($page));
Route::controller('/{page?}/{param?}', 'MainController');