
无法找出SQL字段中数据的重复项和随机单元格删除(PHP/MYSQL),php,mysql,Php,Mysql,我有一个考勤页面,该页面通过以下循环输出班级中的学生列表: $sql10 = "SELECT class.name, student_to_class.class_id, student_to_class.student_id FROM student_to_class INNER JOIN class ON class.id=student_to_class.class_id WHERE class.name = '$classid'"; $result10 = mysql_qu


  $sql10 = "SELECT class.name, student_to_class.class_id, student_to_class.student_id
ON class.id=student_to_class.class_id
class.name = '$classid'";

  $result10 = mysql_query($sql10) or die(mysql_error());
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result10)) {
      $student = $row['student_id'];
      $classid = $row['class_id'];
      $sql3 = "select * from student where id = '$student'";
      $result3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error());
      $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3);
      $studentfname = $row3['first_name'];
      $studentlname = $row3['last_name'];

      $sql4 = "select * from student where first_name = '$studentfname' AND last_name = '$studentlname'";

      $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
      $row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);
      $studentrfid = $row4['rfid'];

      $sql5 = "select * from class where id = '$classid'";
      $result5 = mysql_query($sql5) or die(mysql_error());
      $row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5);
      $class_name = $row5['name'];

      //Define the default variables assuming attendance hasn't been taken.
      $david = "select * from student where rfid='$studentrfid'";
      $davidresult = mysql_query($david) or die(mysql_error());
      $drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($davidresult);

      if (($drow['excused'] == '1') && ($drow['excuseddate'] == $date)) {
          //if($drow['excuseddate'] == $date;
          $excusedabsense = '<option value="Excused Absense" label="Excused Absense" selected="selected">Excused Absense</option>';
      } else {
          $excusedabsense = '';
      $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
      $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
      $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';

      if (isset($_POST['editdate'])) {
          $date = $_POST['date'];

      $realfname = $studentfname;
      $reallname = $studentlname;

      $sql4 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date = '$date' AND classID = '$class_name'";

      $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
      $row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);

      if ($row4['status'] == "Present") {
          $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present" selected="selected">Present</option>';
      } else {
          $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
      if ($row4['status'] == "Tardy") {
          $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy" selected="selected">Tardy</option>';
      } else {
          $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
      if ($row4['status'] == "Absent") {
          $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent" selected="selected">Absent</option>';
      } else {
          $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';

      echo "<tr>";
      if (!isset($dateform)) {
          $dateform = date('m/d/Y');
      $date = date('m/d/Y');
      echo '<td><iframe src="flag.php?&flagdate=' . $dateform . '&curdate=' . $date . '&class=' . $classid . '&flag=1&user=' . $studentrfid . '&curflag=' . $realrfid['flag'] . '&flagclass=' . $classname . '" width="50" height="30" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe></td>';

      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$yesterdaysql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_yesterday = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_yesterday = $tooltiprow['status'];

      //2 days
      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days2sql' AND classID = '$classid'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_2days = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_2days = $tooltiprow['status'];

      //3 days
      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days3sql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_3days = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_3days = $tooltiprow['status'];

      $tooltip = "<b>" . $yesterday . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_yesterday . " - <b>" . $days2 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_2days . " - <b>" . $days3 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_3days;

      echo "
<!-- Loop #" . $b . " --> <td><a href='#'";
?> onMouseover="ddrivetip('<?php
      echo $tooltip;
?>')"; onMouseout="hideddrivetip()"> <?php
      echo $realfname . " " . $reallname . "</a></td>";
      echo '<td>
<select name="status' . $b . '">
' . $presentpunctual . '
' . $presenttardy . '
' . $excusedabsense . '
' . $unexcusedabsense . '
' . $hiddenfield . '
<input type="hidden" name="i" value="' . $b . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="studentid' . $b . '" value="' . $studentrfid . '">
<input type="hidden" name="classid" value="' . $class_name . '"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="comments' . $b . '" size="40" /></td></tr>
<!-- End Loop -->';
if (isset($_GET['update'])) {
      mysql_query("UPDATE teacher_accounts SET attendance = '1' WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error());
      $error = 0;
      $limit = $_GET['i'];
      $starter = 0;
      $num = 0;

      while ($starter < $limit) {
          $statusinc = "status" . $num;
          $studentinc = "studentid" . $num;
          $commentsinc = "comments" . $num;
          $studentID = $_GET[$studentinc];
          $status = $_GET[$statusinc];
          $comments = $_GET[$commentsinc];
          $date = date("m/d/Y");

          $sql = "select * from student where id = '$studentID'";
          $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
          $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

          $classid = $_GET['classid'];

          if (isset($_GET['dateedit'])) {
              $date = $_GET['dateedit'];

              $count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";
              $cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
              if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
                  $sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";
              } else {
                  $sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";

              if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                  $return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance.</h3>";
          } else {
              $count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";

              $cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
              if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
                  $sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";

                  if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                      $return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance for " . $num . " students.</h3>";
              } else {
                  $sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";
                  if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                      $return = "<h3>Successfully inserted today's attendance for " . $num . " students.";
      echo $return;


  $sql10 = "SELECT class.name, student_to_class.class_id, student_to_class.student_id
ON class.id=student_to_class.class_id
class.name = '$classid'";

  $result10 = mysql_query($sql10) or die(mysql_error());
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result10)) {
      $student = $row['student_id'];
      $classid = $row['class_id'];
      $sql3 = "select * from student where id = '$student'";
      $result3 = mysql_query($sql3) or die(mysql_error());
      $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3);
      $studentfname = $row3['first_name'];
      $studentlname = $row3['last_name'];

      $sql4 = "select * from student where first_name = '$studentfname' AND last_name = '$studentlname'";

      $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
      $row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);
      $studentrfid = $row4['rfid'];

      $sql5 = "select * from class where id = '$classid'";
      $result5 = mysql_query($sql5) or die(mysql_error());
      $row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5);
      $class_name = $row5['name'];

      //Define the default variables assuming attendance hasn't been taken.
      $david = "select * from student where rfid='$studentrfid'";
      $davidresult = mysql_query($david) or die(mysql_error());
      $drow = mysql_fetch_assoc($davidresult);

      if (($drow['excused'] == '1') && ($drow['excuseddate'] == $date)) {
          //if($drow['excuseddate'] == $date;
          $excusedabsense = '<option value="Excused Absense" label="Excused Absense" selected="selected">Excused Absense</option>';
      } else {
          $excusedabsense = '';
      $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
      $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
      $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';

      if (isset($_POST['editdate'])) {
          $date = $_POST['date'];

      $realfname = $studentfname;
      $reallname = $studentlname;

      $sql4 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date = '$date' AND classID = '$class_name'";

      $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die(mysql_error());
      $row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4);

      if ($row4['status'] == "Present") {
          $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present" selected="selected">Present</option>';
      } else {
          $presentpunctual = '<option value="Present" label="Present">Present</option>';
      if ($row4['status'] == "Tardy") {
          $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy" selected="selected">Tardy</option>';
      } else {
          $presenttardy = '<option value="Tardy" label="Tardy">Tardy</option>';
      if ($row4['status'] == "Absent") {
          $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent" selected="selected">Absent</option>';
      } else {
          $unexcusedabsense = '<option value="Absent" label="Absent">Absent</option>';

      echo "<tr>";
      if (!isset($dateform)) {
          $dateform = date('m/d/Y');
      $date = date('m/d/Y');
      echo '<td><iframe src="flag.php?&flagdate=' . $dateform . '&curdate=' . $date . '&class=' . $classid . '&flag=1&user=' . $studentrfid . '&curflag=' . $realrfid['flag'] . '&flagclass=' . $classname . '" width="50" height="30" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"> </iframe></td>';

      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$yesterdaysql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_yesterday = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_yesterday = $tooltiprow['status'];

      //2 days
      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days2sql' AND classID = '$classid'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_2days = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_2days = $tooltiprow['status'];

      //3 days
      $sql8 = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentrfid' AND date='$days3sql' AND classID = '$class_name'";
      $result8 = mysql_query($sql8) or die(mysql_error());
      $tooltiprow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result8);
      if (mysql_num_rows($result8) == 0) {
          $tooltipresult_3days = "N/A";
      } else {
          $tooltipresult_3days = $tooltiprow['status'];

      $tooltip = "<b>" . $yesterday . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_yesterday . " - <b>" . $days2 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_2days . " - <b>" . $days3 . ":</b> " . $tooltipresult_3days;

      echo "
<!-- Loop #" . $b . " --> <td><a href='#'";
?> onMouseover="ddrivetip('<?php
      echo $tooltip;
?>')"; onMouseout="hideddrivetip()"> <?php
      echo $realfname . " " . $reallname . "</a></td>";
      echo '<td>
<select name="status' . $b . '">
' . $presentpunctual . '
' . $presenttardy . '
' . $excusedabsense . '
' . $unexcusedabsense . '
' . $hiddenfield . '
<input type="hidden" name="i" value="' . $b . '" />
<input type="hidden" name="studentid' . $b . '" value="' . $studentrfid . '">
<input type="hidden" name="classid" value="' . $class_name . '"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="comments' . $b . '" size="40" /></td></tr>
<!-- End Loop -->';
if (isset($_GET['update'])) {
      mysql_query("UPDATE teacher_accounts SET attendance = '1' WHERE username = '$username'") or die(mysql_error());
      $error = 0;
      $limit = $_GET['i'];
      $starter = 0;
      $num = 0;

      while ($starter < $limit) {
          $statusinc = "status" . $num;
          $studentinc = "studentid" . $num;
          $commentsinc = "comments" . $num;
          $studentID = $_GET[$studentinc];
          $status = $_GET[$statusinc];
          $comments = $_GET[$commentsinc];
          $date = date("m/d/Y");

          $sql = "select * from student where id = '$studentID'";
          $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
          $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

          $classid = $_GET['classid'];

          if (isset($_GET['dateedit'])) {
              $date = $_GET['dateedit'];

              $count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";
              $cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
              if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
                  $sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";
              } else {
                  $sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";

              if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                  $return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance.</h3>";
          } else {
              $count = "select * from attendance_main where StudentID = '$studentID' AND date = '$date' AND classID='$classid'";

              $cresult = mysql_query($count) or die(mysql_error());
              if (mysql_num_rows($cresult) > 0) {
                  $sql = "UPDATE attendance_main SET status='$status',comments='$comments',date='$date',classID='$classid' where StudentID = '$studentID'";

                  if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                      $return = "<h3>Successfully updated the attendance for " . $num . " students.</h3>";
              } else {
                  $sql = "INSERT INTO attendance_main (StudentID,status,comments,date,classID) VALUES ('$studentID','$status','$comments','$date','$classid')";
                  if (mysql_query($sql)) {
                      $return = "<h3>Successfully inserted today's attendance for " . $num . " students.";
      echo $return;






不要忘记使用mysql\u real\u escape\u字符串清理数据库输入,例如$status=mysql\u real\u escape\u string$\u GET[$statusinc]
