Php 有没有办法使用Zend Mail验证SMTP配置?

Php 有没有办法使用Zend Mail验证SMTP配置?,php,magento,zend-mail,Php,Magento,Zend Mail,我一直在用PHP编写一个发送邮件的类,我决定使用Zend框架。此类使用用户的SMTP配置发送邮件。目前,我正在使用提供的用户凭据检查用户的SMTP配置,并向“虚拟”电子邮件地址发送一封“虚拟”电子邮件,捕获出错时可能抛出的ZendException类。这是一种可怕的方法,原因很多: SMTP用户因涉嫌“垃圾邮件”(GMail)最终被禁止 低效和耗时 用户邮箱中存在失败的电子邮件传递尝试 下面是我现在正在做的测试SMTP配置是否有效的示例: public function validSMTP


  • SMTP用户因涉嫌“垃圾邮件”(GMail)最终被禁止
  • 低效和耗时
  • 用户邮箱中存在失败的电子邮件传递尝试

public function validSMTP () {
    // Get the user's SMTP configuration
    $config = $this->getConfiguration ();
    // Create a new Zend transport SMTP object
    $transport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp ( $config ["hostname"], [
        "auth"      =>  "login",
        "ssl"       =>  $config ["protocol"],
        "port"      =>  $config ["port"],
        "username"  =>  $config ["from"],
        "password"  =>  $config ["password"]
    // Create a new message and send it to dummy email
    $mail = new Zend_Mail ("UTF-8");
    $mail->setBodyText ( "null" );
    $mail->setFrom ( $config ["from"] );
    $mail->addTo ( "" );
    $mail->setSubject ( "Test" );
    // Attempt to send the email
    try {
        // Send the email out
        $mail->send ( $transport );
        // If all is well, return true
        return true;
    // Catch all Zend exceptions
    catch ( Zend_Exception $exception ) {
        // Invalid configuration
        return false;






public function validSMTP () {
        // Initialize client configuration, for this example
        $config = [
            "hostname"     =>     "",
            "port"         =>     465,
            "protocol"     =>     "ssl",
            "username"     =>     "USERNAME",
            "password"     =>     "PASSWORD",
        // Add the connection url based on protocol
        $config ["url"] = $config ["protocol"] . "://" . $config ["hostname"];
        // Open a new socket connection to the SMTP mail server
        if ( !( $socket = fsockopen ( $config ["url"], $config ["port"], $en, $es, 15 ) ) ) {
            // Could not establish connection to host
            return "Connection failed, check hostname/port?";
        // Make sure that the protocol is correct
        if ( $this->status_match($socket, '220') === false ) {
            // Probably a wrong protocol (SSL/TLS)
            return "Connection failed, check protocol?";
        // Send hello message to server
        fwrite ( $socket, "EHLO " . $config ["hostname"] ."\r\n" );
        if ( $this->status_match ( $socket, "250" ) === false ) {
            // If Hello fails, say config is invalid
            return "Invalid SMTP configuration";
        // Request to login
        fwrite ( $socket, "AUTH LOGIN\r\n" );
        if ( $this->status_match ( $socket, "334" ) === false ) {
            return "Invalid SMTP configuration";
        // Send the username
        fwrite ( $socket, base64_encode ( $config [ "username" ] ) . "\r\n" );
        if ( $this->status_match ( $socket, "334" ) === false ) {
            // If failed, warn that invalid username password was passed
            return "Invalid username/password combination.";
        // Send the password
        fwrite ( $socket, base64_encode ( $config [ "password" ] ) . "\r\n" );
        if ( $this->status_match ( $socket, "235" )  === false ) {
            // If failed, warn that invalid username password was passed
            return "Invalid username/password combination.";
        // Close the socket connections
        fclose ( $socket );
        // Return true, if everything above passed
        return true;

    private function status_match ( $socket, $expected ) {
        // Initialize the response string
        $response = '';
        // Get response until nothing but code is visible
        while ( substr ( $response, 3, 1) != ' ' ) {
            // Receive 250 bytes
            if ( !( $response = fgets ( $socket, 256 ) ) ) {
                // Break if nothing else to read
        // If the status code is not what was expected
        if ( !( substr ( $response, 0, 3 ) == $expected ) ) {
            // Return false
            return false;
        // Otherwise return true
        return true;


嘿,你可能误解了我的问题。我正在尝试确定用户的SMTP配置是否有效。所以基本上我想用他们的凭据登录SMTP服务器,但不发送任何邮件。没有要检查的内容。您的脚本尝试发送邮件并检查是否成功。我建议你保留它,但是缓存结果,这样你就不必每次都这么做了。这很好,但我想完全避免。在Zend API中肯定有这样做的方法,对吗?如果没有,我将不得不求助于手动检查,方法是使用用户提供的配置打开一个套接字,然后传递EHLO和AUTH LOGIN命令。我很感激你的回答,我也会尝试整合这一点。“肯定有办法做到这一点”。读我的第一段。我扫描了Zend文档,没有看到任何提示。如果你看到了我没有看到的东西,那么你应该能够自己回答这个问题。很抱歉,我的意思是,这将是一个直观的功能,可以在框架内使用。我想我得手动检查了。感谢您的帮助和时间:)顺便说一句,您的配置选项与中的示例不同。getConfiguration方法是我的类中的自定义方法,它只返回一个与用户配置相关的数组。除此之外,我看不出什么是无效的。这对我很有效。也许是因为我在Magento中使用Zend_邮件而有所不同?