
在PHPDoc中记录数组选项的最佳方法?,php,cakephp,phpdoc,Php,Cakephp,Phpdoc,我正在努力编写可读且易于理解的文档来描述传递给函数的数组选项的多树结构 下面是一个示例数组结构 $arr = [ 'fields' => [ 'title' => [ 'name' => 'Document.title', 'format' => 'string', 'readonly' => true ] ] ]; function doSome



$arr = [
   'fields' => [
       'title' => [
           'name'     => 'Document.title',
           'format'   => 'string',
           'readonly' => true
function doSomething(array $arr) { ... }

$arr = [
   'fields' => [
       'title' => [
           'name'     => 'Document.title',
           'format'   => 'string',
           'readonly' => true
function doSomething(array $arr) { ... }


 * Holds configuration settings for each field in a model.
 * Defining the field options
 * array['fields'] array Defines the feilds to be shown by scaffolding.
 * array['fields'][fieldName] array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['name'] string Overrides the field name (default is the array key)
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['model'] string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo assoicated value.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['width'] string Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['align'] string Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['format'] string Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['title'] string Changes the field name shown in views.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['desc'] string The description shown in edit/create views.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['readonly'] boolean True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['type'] string Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['options'] array Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['editor'] boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.
 * array['fields'][fieldName]['default'] string The default value for create forms.
 * @param array $arr (See above)
 * @return Object A new editor object.

$arr = [
   'fields' => [
       'title' => [
           'name'     => 'Document.title',
           'format'   => 'string',
           'readonly' => true
function doSomething(array $arr) { ... }



 * array['fields'] array Defines the feilds to be shown by scaffolding.
 *           [fieldName] array Defines the options for a field, or just enables
 *                             the field if array is not applied.
 *                 ['name'] string Overrides the field name (default is the
 *                                  array key)
 *                 ['model'] string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is
 *                                  a belongsTo assoicated value.
 *                 ['width'] string Defines the width of the field for paginate
 *                                  views.
 *                                  Examples are "100px" or "auto"
 *                 ['align'] string Alignment types for paginate views (left, 
 *                                 right, center)
 *                 ['format'] string Formatting options for paginate fields.
 *                                   Options include 'currency', 'nice',
 *                                  'niceShort', 'timeAgoInWords' or a valid 
 *                                  Date() format)
 *                 ['title'] string Changes the field name shown in views.
 *                 ['desc'] string The description shown in edit/create views.
 *                 ['readonly'] boolean True prevents users from changing the
 *                                 value in edit/create forms.
 *                 ['type'] string Defines the input type used by the Form helper
 *                                  (example 'password')
 *                 ['options'] array Defines a list of string options for drop-
 *                                  down lists.
 *                 ['editor'] boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor
 *                                  for this field.
 *                 ['default'] string The default value for create forms.


 * array['fields'] array Defines the feilds to be shown by scaffolding.
 *           [fieldName] array Defines the options for a field, or just enables
 *                             the field if array is not applied.
 *                 ['name'] string Overrides the field name (default is the
 *                                  array key)
 *                 ['model'] string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is
 *                                  a belongsTo assoicated value.
 *                 ['width'] string Defines the width of the field for paginate
 *                                  views.
 *                                  Examples are "100px" or "auto"
 *                 ['align'] string Alignment types for paginate views (left, 
 *                                 right, center)
 *                 ['format'] string Formatting options for paginate fields.
 *                                   Options include 'currency', 'nice',
 *                                  'niceShort', 'timeAgoInWords' or a valid 
 *                                  Date() format)
 *                 ['title'] string Changes the field name shown in views.
 *                 ['desc'] string The description shown in edit/create views.
 *                 ['readonly'] boolean True prevents users from changing the
 *                                 value in edit/create forms.
 *                 ['type'] string Defines the input type used by the Form helper
 *                                  (example 'password')
 *                 ['options'] array Defines a list of string options for drop-
 *                                  down lists.
 *                 ['editor'] boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor
 *                                  for this field.
 *                 ['default'] string The default value for create forms.



class Field {

     * The name of the thing.
     * @var string
    protected $name;

    protected $model;
    protected $width;

    public function getName() {...}
    public function setName() {...}

class FieldList implements SomeKindOfIterator {

     * Some fields.
     * @var Field[]
    protected $fields = array();

     * ...
    public function push(Field $field) {
         $this->fields[] = $field;


 * Do something.
 * @param FieldList $field_list The field.
function doSomething(FieldList $field_list) {...}


class Field {

     * The name of the thing.
     * @var string
    protected $name;

    protected $model;
    protected $width;

    public function getName() {...}
    public function setName() {...}

class FieldList implements SomeKindOfIterator {

     * Some fields.
     * @var Field[]
    protected $fields = array();

     * ...
    public function push(Field $field) {
         $this->fields[] = $field;


 * Do something.
 * @param FieldList $field_list The field.
function doSomething(FieldList $field_list) {...}


 * Holds configuration settings for each field in a model.
 * Defining the field options
 * array['fields']              array Defines the fields to be shown by scaffolding.
 *          [fieldName]         array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
 *              ['name']        string Overrides the field name (default is the array key)
 *              ['model']       string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo associated value.
 *              ['width']       string Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"
 *              ['align']       string Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)
 *              ['format']      string Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)
 *              ['title']       string Changes the field name shown in views.
 *              ['desc']        string The description shown in edit/create views.
 *              ['readonly']    boolean True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.
 *              ['type']        string Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')
 *              ['options']     array Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.
 *              ['editor']      boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.
 *              ['default']     string The default value for create forms.
 * @param array $arr (See above)
 * @return Object A new editor object.

        array['fields'] array Defines the fields to be shown by scaffolding.
                [fieldName]             array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
                    <li> ['name']       <i><u>string</u></i> Overrides the field name (default is the array key) </li>
                    <li> ['model']      <i><u>string</u></i> (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo associated value.</li>
                    <li> ['width']      <i><u>string</u></i> Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"</li>
                    <li> ['align']      <i><u>string</u></i> Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)</li>
                    <li> ['format']     <i><u>string</u></i> Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)</li>
                    <li> ['title']      <i><u>string</u></i> Changes the field name shown in views.</li>
                    <li> ['desc']       <i><u>string</u></i> The description shown in edit/create views.</li>
                    <li> ['readonly']   <i><u>boolean</u></i> True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.</li>
                    <li> ['type']       <i><u>string</u></i> Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')</li>
                    <li> ['options']    <i><u>array</u></i> Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.</li>
                    <li> ['editor']     <i><u>boolean</u></i> If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.</li>
                    <li> ['default']    <i><u>string</u></i> The default value for create forms.</li>
  • 数组['fields']数组定义要通过脚手架显示的字段。
    • [fieldName]数组定义字段的选项,如果未应用数组,则仅启用该字段。
      • ['name']字符串覆盖字段名(默认为数组键)
      • ['model']string(可选)如果字段是belongsTo关联值,则覆盖该模型
      • ['width']string定义分页视图的字段宽度。例如“100px”或“自动”
      • ['align']分页视图的字符串对齐类型(左、右、中)
      • ['format']分页字段的字符串格式选项。选项包括('currency'、'nice'、'niceShort'、'timeAgoInWords'或有效的日期()格式)
      • ['title']string更改视图中显示的字段名
      • ['desc']字符串编辑/创建视图中显示的描述
      • ['readonly']布尔值True可防止用户更改编辑/创建表单中的值
      • ['type']string定义表单帮助程序使用的输入类型(例如'password')
      • ['options']数组为下拉列表定义字符串选项列表
      • ['editor']如果设置为True,则布尔值将显示此字段的所见即所得编辑器
      • ['default']字符串创建表单的默认值

  • 数组['fields']数组定义要通过脚手架显示的字段。
    • [fieldName]数组定义字段的选项,如果未应用数组,则仅启用该字段。
      • ['name']字符串覆盖字段名(默认为数组键)
      • ['model']string(可选)如果字段是belongsTo关联值,则覆盖该模型
      • ['width']string定义分页视图的字段宽度。例如“100px”或“自动”
      • ['align']分页视图的字符串对齐类型(左、右、中)
      • ['format']分页字段的字符串格式选项。选项包括('currency'、'nice'、'niceShort'、'timeAgoInWords'或有效的日期()格式)
      • ['title']string更改视图中显示的字段名
      • ['desc']字符串编辑/创建视图中显示的描述
      • ['readonly']布尔值True可防止用户更改编辑/创建表单中的值
      • ['type']string定义表单帮助程序使用的输入类型(例如'password')
      • ['options']数组为下拉列表定义字符串选项列表
      • ['editor']如果设置为True,则布尔值将显示此字段的所见即所得编辑器
      • ['default']字符串创建表单的默认值。



 * Holds configuration settings for each field in a model.
 * Defining the field options
 * array['fields']              array Defines the fields to be shown by scaffolding.
 *          [fieldName]         array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
 *              ['name']        string Overrides the field name (default is the array key)
 *              ['model']       string (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo associated value.
 *              ['width']       string Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"
 *              ['align']       string Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)
 *              ['format']      string Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)
 *              ['title']       string Changes the field name shown in views.
 *              ['desc']        string The description shown in edit/create views.
 *              ['readonly']    boolean True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.
 *              ['type']        string Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')
 *              ['options']     array Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.
 *              ['editor']      boolean If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.
 *              ['default']     string The default value for create forms.
 * @param array $arr (See above)
 * @return Object A new editor object.

        array['fields'] array Defines the fields to be shown by scaffolding.
                [fieldName]             array Defines the options for a field, or just enables the field if array is not applied.
                    <li> ['name']       <i><u>string</u></i> Overrides the field name (default is the array key) </li>
                    <li> ['model']      <i><u>string</u></i> (optional) Overrides the model if the field is a belongsTo associated value.</li>
                    <li> ['width']      <i><u>string</u></i> Defines the width of the field for paginate views. Examples are "100px" or "auto"</li>
                    <li> ['align']      <i><u>string</u></i> Alignment types for paginate views (left, right, center)</li>
                    <li> ['format']     <i><u>string</u></i> Formatting options for paginate fields. Options include ('currency','nice','niceShort','timeAgoInWords' or a valid Date() format)</li>
                    <li> ['title']      <i><u>string</u></i> Changes the field name shown in views.</li>
                    <li> ['desc']       <i><u>string</u></i> The description shown in edit/create views.</li>
                    <li> ['readonly']   <i><u>boolean</u></i> True prevents users from changing the value in edit/create forms.</li>
                    <li> ['type']       <i><u>string</u></i> Defines the input type used by the Form helper (example 'password')</li>
                    <li> ['options']    <i><u>array</u></i> Defines a list of string options for drop down lists.</li>
                    <li> ['editor']     <i><u>boolean</u></i> If set to True will show a WYSIWYG editor for this field.</li>
                    <li> ['default']    <i><u>string</u></i> The default value for create forms.</li>
  • 数组['fields']数组定义要通过脚手架显示的字段。
    • [fieldName]数组定义字段的选项,如果未应用数组,则仅启用该字段。
      • ['name']字符串覆盖字段名(默认为数组键)
      • ['model']string(可选)如果字段是belongsTo关联值,则覆盖该模型
      • ['width']string定义分页视图的字段宽度。例如
        /** @param array{foo: string, bar: int} $args */