Php 如何使用此代码模拟对数据库的调用?

Php 如何使用此代码模拟对数据库的调用?,php,html,testing,mocking,Php,Html,Testing,Mocking,我正在修改代码以将其传递给对象,并想知道现在是否可以模拟对数据库的调用以使用PHPUnit执行单元测试,或者是否需要修改其他内容 具有数据库方法的类 <? php class methods { public function showData ($ sql) { $c = new connect(); $connection = $c->connection(); $result = mysqli_query ($conn



<? php

class methods {
    public function showData ($ sql) {
        $c = new connect();
        $connection = $c->connection();

        $result = mysqli_query ($connection, $sql);
        return mysqli_fetch_all ($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);

    public function insertDataName ($data) {
        $c = new connect();
        $connection = $c->connection();

        $sql = "INSERT into agenda (nro_trans, user, anecdote, image)
                values ('$data[0]','$data[1]','$data[2]','$data[3]') ";

        return $result = mysqli_query($connection, $sql);


  • 注入连接对象,而不是在方法中实例化它
  • 使用面向对象的mysqli接口,而不是过程接口

  • 如果进行了这些更改,则可以使用必要的方法创建模拟对象。下面是一个使用匿名类的基本示例。您可以对其进行调整,使其在您决定执行的任何测试中尽可能复杂。如果您使用的是PHPUnit,那么可以使用其模拟对象设置类似的内容

    $mockConnection = new class {
        function connection() {
            return new class() {
                function query($sql) {
                    return new class() {
                        function fetch_all($fetchStyle) {
                            return [
                                ['col1Name' => 'col1ValueA', 'col2Name' => 'col2ValueA'],
                                ['col1Name' => 'col1ValueB', 'col2Name' => 'col2ValueB']
    $testInstance = new methods($mockConnection);
    $testResult = $testInstance->showData('SELECT etc.');

    <! DOCTYPE html>
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                    <li> <a href="vistas/america.html"> America </a> </li>
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    <section class = "holder">
        <h2> Traveler's agenda </h2>
            <div class = "column left">
                <p> Enter the anecdote you want to save. You have the option to delete and delete available if you are logged in to the page </p>
                <table style = "margin: auto; width: 800px; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 10px 5px;">
                  <th> Nro Anecdota </th>
                  <th> User </th>
                  <th> Description </th>
                  <th> Image </th>
                  <th> <a href="agnewNew.php"> <button type = 'button' class = 'btn btn-info'> New </button> </a> </th>
    <? php
    $obj = new methods ();
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM agenda";
    $data = $obj-> show Data ($ sql);
    // show data on screen
    echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td>"; echo $row ['nro_trans']; echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>"; echo $row ['user']; echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>"; echo $row ['anecdote']; echo "</td>";
      // echo "<td>"; echo $row ['image']; echo "</td>";
        echo "<td>"; echo "<img src = '". $row ['image']. "' width = '300'>"; echo "</td>";
        echo "<td> <a href='modify.php?nro_trans=".$fila['nro_trans'[."'> <button type = 'button' class = 'btn btn-success'> Modify </button> </a> </td> ";
        echo "<td> <a href='eliminarAnecdota.php?nro_trans=".$fila['nro_trans'[."'> <button type = 'button' class = 'btn btn-danger' onclick = 'return ConfirmDelete() '> Remove </button> </a> </td> ";
    echo "</tr>";
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function ConfirmDelete () {
        var answer = confirm ("Are you sure you want the anecdote?");
        if (answer == true) {
            return true;
        } else {
        return false;
        National and International Tourism
         Homemade Buenos Aires Argentina, Valentín Gómez 4772, B1678 Tel. / Fax: +54 11 4575-5012
        <p> Copyright 2020: Design and Programming: Ezequiel Ledesma </p>
    class methods {
        protected $connect;
        // This way you can inject either the real connection object or the mock
        public function __construct($connect) {
            $this->connect = $connect;
        // Using object methods here rather than procedural functions that require
        // specific built-in objects like `mysqli_result` will let your method use
        // either the real connection or the mock
        public function showData($sql) {
            $connection = $this->connect->connection();
            $result = $connection->query($sql);
            return $result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
        // ... (make similar adjustments to the other methods)
    $mockConnection = new class {
        function connection() {
            return new class() {
                function query($sql) {
                    return new class() {
                        function fetch_all($fetchStyle) {
                            return [
                                ['col1Name' => 'col1ValueA', 'col2Name' => 'col2ValueA'],
                                ['col1Name' => 'col1ValueB', 'col2Name' => 'col2ValueB']
    $testInstance = new methods($mockConnection);
    $testResult = $testInstance->showData('SELECT etc.');