Php 不允许子类调用受保护属性的方法

Php 不允许子类调用受保护属性的方法,php,class,oop,inheritance,encapsulation,Php,Class,Oop,Inheritance,Encapsulation,我正在使用MVC概念开发应用程序,希望限制View类调用模型的方法,但允许它访问模型的属性,这样它就可以在需要时获取数据。相反,我想让控制器类能够调用模型的方法,如果可能的话,限制它访问属性,因为它确实不需要这样做。 我的问题是如何设计类关系来实现这个目标,或者我可以告诉php不允许另一个类的类调用方法吗? 当前我的类的关系如下所示: 控制器 看法 还有其他从Controller和View类继承的类,如: class UserController extends Controller { p

我正在使用MVC概念开发应用程序,希望限制View类调用模型的方法,但允许它访问模型的属性,这样它就可以在需要时获取数据。相反,我想让控制器类能够调用模型的方法,如果可能的话,限制它访问属性,因为它确实不需要这样做。 我的问题是如何设计类关系来实现这个目标,或者我可以告诉php不允许另一个类的类调用方法吗? 当前我的类的关系如下所示: 控制器



class UserController extends Controller
  public function modifyData()
    $this->_model->modifyX(1); //this works and it should be working because i need the controller to be able to call model's methods
    $someVar = $this->_model->x; //this works and it should not be working because i don't need the controller to be able to get model's properties



class View
  protected $_model; //has access to model so it can get model's properties when needed

  public function __construct($model)
    $this->_model = $model;

class UserController extends Controller
  public function modifyData()
    $this->_model->modifyX(1); //this works and it should be working because i need the controller to be able to call model's methods
    $someVar = $this->_model->x; //this works and it should not be working because i don't need the controller to be able to get model's properties
class UserView extends View
  public function getData()
    $this->_model->modifyX(1); //this works and it should not be working because i don't need the view to be able to call model's methods
    $someVar = $this->_model->x; //this works and it should be working because i do need the view to be able to get model's properties