Php 将大量(约180mb)XML数据上传到MySQL的最佳方式是什么?

Php 将大量(约180mb)XML数据上传到MySQL的最佳方式是什么?,php,mysql,xml,codeigniter,Php,Mysql,Xml,Codeigniter,我的XML格式如下 ` 这是工作,但这是非常缓慢,每次到期,也需要太多的时间。因此,请给我推荐另一种解决方案。像这样插入多行: function _getXML_Hotellist($fname) { $resToInsert1 = $resToInsert2 = array(); $rowsCounter = 0; foreach($xmlData['Hotel'] as $row) { // fill your $result1 and $result2 arr

我的XML格式如下 `



function _getXML_Hotellist($fname) {
   $resToInsert1 = $resToInsert2 = array();
   $rowsCounter = 0;
   foreach($xmlData['Hotel'] as $row) {
      // fill your $result1 and $result2 arrays
      $resToInsert1[] = $result1;
      $resToInsert2[] = $result2;
      if ($rowsCounter == 1000) { // for example, you can choose another number
         // insert to db like a
         //  INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) 
         //  VALUES (...),
         //  VALUES (...),
         //  VALUES (...);
         // all data from $resToInsert1 and $resToInsert2
         // and refresh vars
         $resToInsert1 = $resToInsert2 = array();
         $rowsCounter = 0;




 function _getXML_Hotellist($fname) {

        $filename = $fname.'.xml';
        $xmlRaw = file_get_contents($xmlfile);
        $xmlData = $this->simplexml->xml_parse($xmlRaw);

        /* database for XMLResponse */

        $result0['ResponseType'] = $xmlData['ResponseType'];
        $result0['AffiliateCode'] = $xmlData['RequestInfo']['AffiliateCode'];
        $result0['AffRequestId'] = $xmlData['RequestInfo']['AffRequestId'];
        $result0['AffRequestTime'] = $xmlData['RequestInfo']['AffRequestTime'];
        $result0['TotalNumber'] = $xmlData['TotalNumber'];

        /* database for Hotel List */

        foreach($xmlData['Hotel'] as $row) {

            $result1['OldHotelId']= $this->check_empty($row['OldHotelId']);

            if(is_array($result1['OldHotelId'])) {
                $result1['OldHotelId']= $result1['OldHotelId'][0];;
            } else {
                $result1['OldHotelId']= $result1['OldHotelId'];

            $result1['DestinationId']= $this->check_empty($row['DestinationId']);
            $result1['Destination']= $this->check_empty($row['Destination']);
            $result1['Country']= $this->check_empty($row['Country']);
            $result1['HotelName']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelName']);
            $result1['StarRating']= $this->check_empty($row['StarRating']);
            $result1['HotelAddress']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelAddress']);
            $result1['HotelPostalCode']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelPostalCode']);
            $result1['HotelPhoneNumber']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelPhoneNumber']);

            /* database for Hotels Location */

            $result2['HotelCode']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelCode']);

            /* database for Hotels Images */

            $result4['HotelCode']= $this->check_empty($row['HotelCode']);

            if(empty($result3['ImageURL'])) {
            } else {
                if(is_array($result3['ImageURL'])) {
                    foreach($result3['ImageURL'] as $row) { 
                 } else {
                     $result4['ImageURL']= $result3['ImageURL'];

            /* database Queries */


function _getXML_Hotellist($fname) {
   $resToInsert1 = $resToInsert2 = array();
   $rowsCounter = 0;
   foreach($xmlData['Hotel'] as $row) {
      // fill your $result1 and $result2 arrays
      $resToInsert1[] = $result1;
      $resToInsert2[] = $result2;
      if ($rowsCounter == 1000) { // for example, you can choose another number
         // insert to db like a
         //  INSERT INTO table (col1, col2) 
         //  VALUES (...),
         //  VALUES (...),
         //  VALUES (...);
         // all data from $resToInsert1 and $resToInsert2
         // and refresh vars
         $resToInsert1 = $resToInsert2 = array();
         $rowsCounter = 0;