Php 使用pdo_sqlite时,SQL查询中的“LIKE”运算符非常慢

Php 使用pdo_sqlite时,SQL查询中的“LIKE”运算符非常慢,php,sql,sqlite,pdo,sql-like,Php,Sql,Sqlite,Pdo,Sql Like,我发现,在pdo_sqlite PHP5.3或PHP5.4中,“SELECT”SQL查询中的“LIKE”操作符非常慢。 在sqlite3二进制文件中输入相同的查询要快得多 示例代码: <?php $bdd = new PDO('sqlite:./chaines_centre.db'); $reponse = $bdd->prepare("select DateMonteeAuPlan, Debut, Fin, Statut from ReportJobs w

我发现,在pdo_sqlite PHP5.3或PHP5.4中,“SELECT”SQL查询中的“LIKE”操作符非常慢。 在sqlite3二进制文件中输入相同的查询要快得多


    $bdd = new PDO('sqlite:./chaines_centre.db');
    $reponse = $bdd->prepare("select DateMonteeAuPlan, Debut, Fin, Statut from ReportJobs where NomJob = ? and NomChaine like 'DCLC257__' order by DateMonteeAuPlan DESC limit 20;");
    while ($donnees = $reponse->fetch())
        // whatever...
通过删除LIKE运算符或order By DATEAUPLAN,查询将在预期时间内执行。。。

您有没有在同一个脚本中一个接一个地运行PDO vs二进制文件?如果您这样做了,那么使用binary获得更好的结果将是正常的,因为PDO在缓存为空时运行,因此它会命中光盘,而binary从RAM获取数据



$bdd = new PDO('sqlite:./chaines_centre.db');

$time_start = microtime(true);
$reponse = $bdd->query("select DateMonteeAuPlan, Debut, Fin, Statut from ReportJobs where NomJob = 'NSAVBASE' and NomChaine like 'DCLC257%' order by DateMonteeAuPlan DESC limit 20;");
$time_end = microtime(true);

$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Situation 1 : $time second(s)<br><br>";
// Output : 1.3900790214539 second(s)

$time_start = microtime(true);
$reponse = $bdd->query("select DateMonteeAuPlan, Debut, Fin, Statut from ReportJobs where NomJob = 'NSAVBASE' and NomChaine like 'DCLC257%' limit 20;");
$time_end = microtime(true);

$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Situation 2 : $time second(s)<br><br>";
// Output : 0.0030009746551514 seconde(s)

$time_start = microtime(true);
$reponse = $bdd->query("select DateMonteeAuPlan, Debut, Fin, Statut from ReportJobs where NomJob = 'NSAVBASE' and NomChaine = 'DCLC25736' order by DateMonteeAuPlan DESC limit 20;");
$time_end = microtime(true);

$time = $time_end - $time_start;
echo "Situation 3 : $time second(s)<br><br>";
// Output : 0 seconde(s)