
GnuPlot:在盒子中间写一些文字,plot,gnuplot,Plot,Gnuplot,我试图通过gnu绘图在绘图框的中间书写,但找不到一些优雅的方式。手动查找所有框的中间点非常繁琐。请引导我找出答案。 正如评论中提到的@Christoph,plot。。。w标签是选项之一。唯一的额外因素在于计算标签的位置。例如,可以进行以下操作: set terminal pngcairo set output 'fig.png' fName='test.dat' bw = 0.9 yMin = 50 yMax = 130 xMin = 2 xMax = 15 set boxwidth



set terminal pngcairo
set output 'fig.png'


bw = 0.9

yMin = 50
yMax = 130

xMin = 2
xMax = 15

set boxwidth bw

set xr [xMin - bw/2:xMax + bw/2]
set yr [yMin:yMax]

#scale 0 makes sure that the tic marks don't "show up"
set format x "1 %.0f"
set xtics 2,1,15 rotate by -15 scale 0

set ytics 50,10,130 scale 0

set ylabel "TODO"
set xlabel "TODO"

set key top right

#place the labels in the "middle" with respect to the
#minimum on the y-axis
p \
    100 t "Todo" lc rgb "black" dt 3, \
    fName u 1:2 w boxes t "TODO" lc rgb "black", \
    fName u 1:(($2-yMin)/2+yMin):(sprintf("%.0f", $2)) w labels t '' tc rgb 'dark-red'


2  100
3  75
4  74
5  76
6  74
7  78
8  92
9  98
10  75
11  105
12  118
13  120
14  122
15  122