
月至今报告PLSQL,plsql,group-by,pivot-table,Plsql,Group By,Pivot Table,我正在使用PLSQL,并尝试从下表创建月至今和年至今报告: Date District City Amount 2020-01-02 West Auckland 1000 2020-01-03 East Auckland 1200 2020-01-04 North Auckland 1300 2020-02-02


Date            District         City          Amount
2020-01-02       West            Auckland      1000
2020-01-03       East            Auckland      1200
2020-01-04       North           Auckland      1300
2020-02-02       West            Auckland       500
2020-02-03       East            Auckland       300
2020-02-04       North           Auckland       200
2020-01-02       West            Wellington    2000
2020-01-03       East            Wellington     500
2020-01-04       North           Wellington    2500
2020-02-02       West            Wellington     300
2020-02-03       East            Wellington    1000
2020-02-04       North           Wellington     500


City             2020-02-04   Month_To_Date    Year_To_Date
Auckland           200         1000             3000
Wellington         500         2800             7800

使用Oracle PLSQL有什么方法可以做到这一点吗?


select city      
      , <current_date>  
      , sum(amount) amt 
   from tax
   cross join for_date
   where tax_date = <current_date>
   group by city, <current_date>  
但是,对于上述合计金额的每个子集,这需要稍加修改,因为 tax_date=,需要根据不同的日期段进行调整。此外,由于这些不同的条件,您无法在单个选择中执行此操作。解决方案是为每个日期范围构建一个CTE,然后连接在一起。 注意:我将变量/列名更改为tax_date,因为date是具有集合定义和保留字的数据类型。将其用作变量/列名是非常糟糕的做法。所以提示:永远不要使用数据类型作为对象名

差异:结果将当前日期添加为列,而不是尝试将其作为列名。对于SQL来说,如果这是可行的,那么这就是一个重大的跳跃。但是这种转换对于您的表示层应该非常简单。 顺便说一句:检查你的数学,它关闭了。示例:惠灵顿到目前为止的月份为1800 500+1000+300,而不是2800,并在例外结果中显示

with tax   as
  ( select date '2020-01-02' tax_date
         , 'West' district,'Auckland' city
         , 1000 amount 
      from dual union all                                   
    select date '2020-01-03','East','Auckland',1200    from dual union all 
    select date '2020-01-04','North','Auckland',1300   from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-02','West','Auckland',500     from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-03','East','Auckland',300     from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-04','North','Auckland',200    from dual union all
    select date '2020-01-02','West','Wellington',2000  from dual union all
    select date '2020-01-03','East','Wellington',500   from dual union all
    select date '2020-01-04','North','Wellington',2500 from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-02','West','Wellington',300   from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-03','East','Wellington',1000  from dual union all
    select date '2020-02-04','North','Wellington',500  from dual 
   , for_date as (select date '&current_date' dt from dual)
   , dly as 
          ( select city      
                 , dt   
                 , sum(amount) amt 
              from tax
              cross join for_date
             where tax_date = dt 
             group by city, dt              
   , mtd as 
          ( select city      
                 , dt   
                 , sum(amount) amt
              from tax                 
             cross join for_date             
             where trunc(tax_date,'mm') = trunc(dt,'mm') 
               and tax_date <= dt
             group by city, dt
   , ytd as 
          ( select city      
                 , dt   
                 , sum(amount) amt 
              from tax
              cross join for_date             
             where trunc(tax_date,'yyyy') = (select trunc(dt,'yyyy') from for_date)
               and tax_date <= dt 
             group by city, dt
       dly.city       "City"
     , dly.dt         "Tax Date"
     , dly.amt        "Daily Amount"
     , mtd.amt        "Month to Date"
     , ytd.amt        "Year To Date"
  from dly
  join mtd on (dly.city = mtd.city)
  join ytd on (dly.city = ytd.city)
 order by dly.city;