使用计算距离的PostgreSQL Where子句

使用计算距离的PostgreSQL Where子句,postgresql,Postgresql,我有一个如下的PostgreSQL查询: SELECT *, 2 * 3961 * asin(sqrt((sin(radians((latitude - 40.2817993164062) / 2))) ^ 2 + cos(radians(40.2817993164062)) * cos(radians(latitude)) * (sin(radians((longitude - -111.720901489258) / 2))) ^ 2)) as distance, (SELECT jso


2 * 3961 * asin(sqrt((sin(radians((latitude - 40.2817993164062) / 2))) ^ 2 + cos(radians(40.2817993164062)) * cos(radians(latitude)) * (sin(radians((longitude - -111.720901489258) / 2))) ^ 2)) as distance, 
(SELECT json_agg(deals.*) FROM deals WHERE vendors.id = deals.vendorid) as deals FROM vendors  
WHERE ( category = 'Food' ) 
AND (distance < 80)  
AND (nationwide IS FALSE OR nationwide is NULL) 
ORDER BY featured ASC, created DESC, distance ASC



WITH vendors_distance as (
    SELECT *, 
    2 * 3961 * asin(sqrt((sin(radians((latitude - 40.2817993164062) / 2))) ^ 2 + cos(radians(40.2817993164062)) * cos(radians(latitude)) * (sin(radians((longitude - -111.720901489258) / 2))) ^ 2)) as distance
    FROM vendors  
    WHERE ( category = 'Food' ) 
    AND (nationwide IS FALSE OR nationwide is NULL) 
SELECT vendors_distance.*, 
    (SELECT json_agg(deals.*) FROM deals WHERE vendors_distance.id = deals.vendorid) as deals
FROM vendors_distance 
WHERE (distance < 80)  
ORDER BY featured ASC, created DESC, distance ASC