Postgresql 是否要更新具有GROUP BY的子查询中的WHERE值,以便不存在争用条件问题?

Postgresql 是否要更新具有GROUP BY的子查询中的WHERE值,以便不存在争用条件问题?,postgresql,concurrency,sql-update,subquery,race-condition,Postgresql,Concurrency,Sql Update,Subquery,Race Condition,也许这是我的天真,也许是我的偏执,但我想我正在寻找一个解决种族状况问题的方法,这个问题似乎很普遍,会有大量的解决方案,而我现在已经找到了一个。。。但我没有 最简单的情况是,我有一个进程,它应该能够抓取任何记录,其中有多个特定类型的记录。我想让系统/进程(es)线程-/多处理-/可重入-/当今流行语安全;如果同样的过程开始了,并引入了一个竞赛条件,试图抓住感兴趣的行,我希望有明确的赢家/输家:一个成功,另一个错误;事实上,我更喜欢第二次的无缝、无声、优雅的“失败”,因为它只会看不到那些会被第一次抓





   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(trans_nbr) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                        -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                             AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
            -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
              SELECT trans_nbr
                FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_1
            GROUP BY trans_nbr
              HAVING Count(*) > 1
                 AND Count(*) in ( -- For MY query, since I'm grouping-by, I want "all or none" of trans_nbr rows
                       SELECT Count(*)
                         FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_2
                        WHERE inner_my_table_2.trans_nbr = inner_my_table_1.trans_nbr
                          AND pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) -- INT that will uniquely ID this row
/* Note also that this will still lock all non-locked rows with this
   trans_nbr, even though we won't use them unless we can grab ALL of the
   rows with same trans_nbr... the rest of our query should be made
   quick-enough to accept this reality and not tie up the server unduly.

   See linked info for more-simple queries not doing group-by's.
               LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                 AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here

我曾考虑过在子查询的末尾添加一个“ON my_table”,但这行不通;不能有这个和“分组依据”(这是计算trans_nbr数量所必需的)。(由于这将迫使任何RAN在更新之前被阻止,因此这将是一个首选解决方案,因为这样可以避免由竞争条件引起的错误[两个进程捕获同一行{s}]并允许那些其他进程在不知不觉中愉快地运行,只得到不再包含第一个进程捕获的行。唉。)


我曾经考虑过让更新依赖于子查询的processing_by值,但是,同样,这是行不通的:如果在子查询中,将打破GROUP by/HAVING条件(因为现在会有trans_nbr/processing_的子组被计数,这不是我想要的)






   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                SELECT trans_nbr
                  FROM my_table
                 WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                           SELECT trans_nbr
                             FROM my_table
                         GROUP BY trans_nbr
                           HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 -- Thanks for the suggestion, Flimzy
                            LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                   AND processing_by IS NULL
                       /* Or some other logic that says "not currently being
                          processed".  This way, we ALSO verify we're not
                          grabbing one that might have been UPDATEd/grabbed
                          during our sub-SELECT, while it was being

                          This COULD go in our UPDATE/top-level, but unnecessary
                          rows could be locked by this lower-level in that case.
            FOR UPDATE /* Will block/wait for rows this finds to be unlocked by
                          any prior transaction that had a lock on them.

                          NOTE: Which _could_ allow the prior trans to change
                                our desired rows in the mean time, thus the
                                secondary WHERE clause.


更新2:因此,在重新阅读并思考这篇文章之后,再次“Forrest for the Trees”一刻。我可以这样做:

   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(trans_nbr) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                        -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                             AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
            -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
              SELECT trans_nbr
                FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_1
            GROUP BY trans_nbr
              HAVING Count(*) > 1
                 AND Count(*) in ( -- For MY query, since I'm grouping-by, I want "all or none" of trans_nbr rows
                       SELECT Count(*)
                         FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_2
                        WHERE inner_my_table_2.trans_nbr = inner_my_table_1.trans_nbr
                          AND pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) -- INT that will uniquely ID this row
/* Note also that this will still lock all non-locked rows with this
   trans_nbr, even though we won't use them unless we can grab ALL of the
   rows with same trans_nbr... the rest of our query should be made
   quick-enough to accept this reality and not tie up the server unduly.

   See linked info for more-simple queries not doing group-by's.
               LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                 AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here

尽管如此,SKIP LOCKED仍然非常酷

警告:如果要让工人拉有限(如LIMIT 1)数量的行和/或项目,必须按特定顺序抓取(例如:FIFO,按顺序和/或按函数(如Min(id))抓取),可能会出现工人饿死的情况:工人等待并等待,当他们等待解锁行时,结果表明,它们都不符合最终标准。有很多方法可以解决这个问题,比如让工人通过偏移跳转,但大多数方法要么复杂,要么缓慢。(通常两者都有。奖金!)

我的功能性要求返回多行,或者没有一行是可以的-暂时无事可做;睡一会儿再检查一下,所以这对我来说不是问题。也许是给你的。如果是这样,你会想考虑……/P> 非阻塞版本:我发现了一个解决这一问题的方法,它将我介绍给了Pg。(信息也相当丰富。)


   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(trans_nbr) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                        -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
                          SELECT trans_nbr
                            FROM my_table
                        GROUP BY trans_nbr
                          HAVING COUNT(*) > 1
                           LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                             AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here
   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this worker
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
            -- This query MAY pull ones we don't want to mess with (already "grabbed")
              SELECT trans_nbr
                FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_1
            GROUP BY trans_nbr
              HAVING Count(*) > 1
                 AND Count(*) in ( -- For MY query, since I'm grouping-by, I want "all or none" of trans_nbr rows
                       SELECT Count(*)
                         FROM my_table AS inner_my_table_2
                        WHERE inner_my_table_2.trans_nbr = inner_my_table_1.trans_nbr
                          AND pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id) -- INT that will uniquely ID this row
/* Note also that this will still lock all non-locked rows with this
   trans_nbr, even though we won't use them unless we can grab ALL of the
   rows with same trans_nbr... the rest of our query should be made
   quick-enough to accept this reality and not tie up the server unduly.

   See linked info for more-simple queries not doing group-by's.
               LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                 AND processing_by IS NULL -- only "ungrabbed" ones (at this point)
      AND processing_by IS NULL -- But THIS will drop out any "bogus" ones that changed between subquery and here

  • 这取决于应用程序是否使用/尊重建议锁,因此这不是pancea,也不是安慰剂。同样,由于这一点,SKIP LOCKED非常方便
  • ,因为V8.2不自动解锁,(因此)可能(必须)被显式解锁
  • ,因为V9.1,在事务结束时自动解锁,可能不会显式解锁
  • 我还没有测试过这个!我将在我有


   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this instance
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                    SELECT trans_nbr
                      FROM my_table
                     WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                                 SELECT trans_nbr
                                   FROM my_table
                               GROUP BY trans_nbr
                                 HAVING COUNT(trans_nbr) > 1
                                  LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                        FOR UPDATE


   UPDATE my_table
      SET processing_by = our_id_info -- unique to this instance
    WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                    SELECT trans_nbr
                      FROM my_table
                     WHERE trans_nbr IN (
                                 SELECT trans_nbr
                                   FROM my_table
                               GROUP BY trans_nbr
                                 HAVING COUNT(trans_nbr) > 1
                                  LIMIT our_limit_to_have_single_process_grab
                        FOR UPDATE

你有没有想过在两个SQL会话中测试这个问题?小结:除非trans\u nbr有时为NULL,否则使用
COUNT(trans\u nbr)