Puppeteer 记录事件&;自动生成木偶脚本,不使用chrome扩展木偶记录器是否可行?

Puppeteer 记录事件&;自动生成木偶脚本,不使用chrome扩展木偶记录器是否可行?,puppeteer,Puppeteer,下面的事情有木偶师可能吗? e、 g 帮帮我,我只是想知道这可能吗? 我可以运行静态脚本,但我需要创建动态脚本每次感谢提前 没有chrome扩展是否可行? 请帮助某人 它可行吗?使用木偶记录器有什么问题? i open http://localhost:3000 where one Html Form with URL is there. if i enter url = "amazon.com" and press go then recording will automatic start

下面的事情有木偶师可能吗? e、 g

帮帮我,我只是想知道这可能吗? 我可以运行静态脚本,但我需要创建动态脚本每次感谢提前 没有chrome扩展是否可行? 请帮助某人

i open http://localhost:3000 where one Html Form with URL is there.
if  i enter url = "amazon.com" and press go then recording will automatic start ( event recording ) 
in new tab i just search product and add to cart it 
then stop recording by visiting http://localhost:3000 page button 
so one recording is saved with events 
Now in this page all recording will be shown 
And when i play "amazon.com" recording then it will run step number 2 to 3 automatically add product into cart