
合并两个配置单元表(不同列大小)-pyspark,pyspark,hive,hiveql,pyspark-sql,Pyspark,Hive,Hiveql,Pyspark Sql,我有一个带有模式的配置单元表 姓名、联系人、地址、主题 Name Contact Address Subject abc 1111 Mumbai maths egf 2222 nashik science pqr 3333 delhi history And other table with schema **Name ,Contact** Name Contact xyz 4444 mno 2222

我有一个带有模式的配置单元表 姓名、联系人、地址、主题

Name  Contact   Address  Subject
abc   1111      Mumbai    maths
egf   2222      nashik    science
pqr   3333      delhi     history

And other table with schema **Name ,Contact** 
Name   Contact
xyz    4444  
mno    2222 

Name  Contact   Address  Subject
abc   1111      Mumbai    maths
pqr   3333      delhi     history
xyz   4444      null      null
mno   2222      nashik    science


select coalesce(t2.name,t1.name) as name, 
       coalesce(t2.contact, t1.contact) as contact,
       t1.address, t1.subject
  from table1 t1
       full join table2 t2
                 on t1.contact=t2.contact

select coalesce(t2.name,t1.name) as name, 
       coalesce(t2.contact, t1.contact) as contact,
       t1.address, t1.subject
  from table1 t1
       full join table2 t2
                 on t1.contact=t2.contact