Python 2.7 如何在一个文件中插入两个file.txt

Python 2.7 如何在一个文件中插入两个file.txt,python-2.7,Python 2.7,我有这个函数,它接受两个input.txt文件,删除标点符号,并添加句子pos或neg。 我想这些fle的内容转换成小写 然后这两个文件合并成一个文件名union.txt 但是我的代码不起作用 def extractor (feature_select): posFeatures = [] negFeatures = [] with open('positive.txt', 'r') as posSentences: for i in posSentences:

我有这个函数,它接受两个input.txt文件,删除标点符号,并添加句子pos或neg。 我想这些fle的内容转换成小写 然后这两个文件合并成一个文件名union.txt 但是我的代码不起作用

def extractor (feature_select):
    posFeatures = []
    negFeatures = []

with open('positive.txt', 'r') as posSentences:
    for i in posSentences:
        posWords = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[(,.;:*@#/?!$&)]", i.rstrip())
        posWords = [feature_select(posWords), 'pos']
with open('negative.txt', 'r') as negSentences:
    for i in negSentences:
        negWords = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[(,.;:*@#/?!$&)]", i.rstrip())
        negWords = [feature_select(negWords), 'neg']

return posFeature, negFeature

filenames = [posFeature, negFeature]
with open('union.txt', 'w') as outfile:
    for fname in filenames:
        with open(fname) as infile:


filenames = [posFeature, negFeature]
with open('union.txt', 'w') as outfile :
    for i in filenames :    #refers to posFeature or negFeature which is a list
        for j in i:    #this loop reads each sentence from the list i
            outfile.write(j) #it writes the sentence into outfile