Python sphinx 斯芬克斯畸形表

Python sphinx 斯芬克斯畸形表,python-sphinx,Python Sphinx,我们在狮身人面像中有一个RST表,看起来像这样: +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+ | Key | Appearance in the administration | Value


| Key                     | Appearance in the administration            | Value                                   |
| |text_line|             | simple text input                           | string                                  |
| |text_area|             | text area                                   | string                                  |
| |text_editor|           | text editor with formatting capabilities    | HTML string                             |
| |checkbox|              | checkbox                                    | boolean                                 |
| |single_select|         | list of radio buttons                       | string                                  |
| |multiple_select|       | list of checkboxes                          | array of strings                        |
| |color|                 | color picker                                | string                                  |
| |date|                  | date picker                                 | string                                  |
| |time|                  | text input with time validation             | string                                  |
| |url|                   | text input with URL validation              | string                                  |
| |email|                 | text input with email validation            | string                                  |
| |password|              | password input                              | string                                  |
| |phone|                 | text input for a phone number               | string                                  |
| |internal_links|        | widget for selecting links to other pages   | resolved pages as defined in parameters |
| |single_internal_link|  | widget for selecting a single page          | resolved page as defined in parameters  |
| |smart_content|         | widget for configuring a data source        | resolved pages as defined in parameters |
| |resource_locator|      | widget for entering the URL of a page       | string                                  |
| |tag_list|              | autocomplete input for entering and adding  | array of strings                        |
|                         | tags                                        |                                         |
| |category_list|         | autocomplete input for entering and adding  | array of strings                        |
|                         | tags                                        |                                         |
| |media_selection|       | widget for selecting media (images,         | array containing arrays with            |
|                         | documents)                                  | urls for every format                   |
| |contact_selection|     | widget for selecting contacts               | array containing array representations  |                                     |
|                         |                                             | of the contact objects                  |
| |snippet|               | widget for selecting snippets               | array containing array representations  |
|| |的片段| +-------------------------+---------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+


ERROR: Malformed table.


contact\u selection