Python 映射需要更快的功能

Python 映射需要更快的功能,python,hadoop,optimization,mapreduce,primes,Python,Hadoop,Optimization,Mapreduce,Primes,我试图优化我的代码以在hadoop集群上运行。有人能帮我找到一些方法让这更好吗?我正在接受一组非常大的数字4000多万,每个数字都在一条新的线上。当我读到数字时,我正在计算每个数字,求和所有数字,同时检查每个数字是否是素数 #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import string import math total_of_primes = 0 total = 0 count = 0 not_prime = 0 count_string = 'Count:'


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import string
import math

total_of_primes = 0
total = 0
count = 0
not_prime = 0
count_string = 'Count:'
total_string = 'Total:'
prime_string = 'Number of Primes:'

for line in sys.stdin:
    key = int(line)
  total = total + key
  count = count + 1
  if key == 2 or key == 3:
    not_prime = not_prime - 1
  elif key%2 == 0 or key%3 == 0:
    not_prime = not_prime + 1
    for i in range(5,(int(math.sqrt(key))+1),6):
      if key%i == 0 or key%(i+2) ==0:
        not_prime = not_prime + 1

total_of_primes = count - not_prime  

print '%s\t%s' % (count_string,count)
print '%s\t%s' % (total_string,total)
print '%s\t%s' % (prime_string,total_of_primes)



biglist = [ # this will be a list of booleans
    not int(line)%2 or # the number is not even
    not int(line)%3 or # not divisible by 3
        not int(line)%i or # not divisible by each item in the range() object
        not int(line)%(i+2) for i in # nor by 2 greater than each item
            # and only go through the range() object while it's still prime
            itertools.takewhile(lambda x: not int(line)%x or not int(line)%(x+2),
        range(5, int(pow(int(line), 0.5))+1, 6)) # pow(x, 0.5) uses a built-in instead of an imported module
for line in  sys.stdin) if line.lstrip('-+').isdigit() # going through each item in sys.stdin
# as long as long as it's a digit. if you only expect positive numbers, you can omit ".lstrip('-+')".

total_of_primes = len(biglist) + 2 # manually add 2 and 3 instead of testing it

