
Python仅为CSV文件写入一行,python,excel,csv,export-to-csv,Python,Excel,Csv,Export To Csv,很抱歉,我重申了这个问题,但是,这个问题还没有解决 这不是一个非常复杂的问题,我确信这是相当直接的,但我根本看不到这个问题 我通过XML文件进行解析的代码是以我想要的格式打开和读取的——最终for循环中的print语句证明了这一点 例如,它输出以下内容: 旋转支撑手柄D0584129 20090106 US 铰链D0584130 20090106美国 锁销转盘D0584131 20090106美国 这正是我希望将数据写入CSV文件的方式。但是,当我尝试将这些作为行写入CSV本身时,它只打印XML





旋转支撑手柄D0584129 20090106 US

铰链D0584130 20090106美国

锁销转盘D0584131 20090106美国




from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
import unicodecsv as csv

infile = "C:\\Users\\Grisha\\Documents\\Inventor\\2009_Data\\Jan\\ipg090106.xml"

# The first line of code defines a function "separated_xml" that will allow us to separate, read, and then finally parse the data of interest with

def separated_xml(infile):  # Defining the data reading function for each xml section - This breaks apart the xml from the start (root element <?xml...) to the next iteration of the root element 
    file = open(infile, "r")   # Used to open the xml file
    buffer = [file.readline()] # Used to read each line and placing inside vector
# The first for-loop is used to slice every section of the USPTO XML file to be read and parsed individually
# It is necessary because Python wishes to read only one instance of a root element but this element is found many times in each file which causes reading errors
    for line in file:       # Running for-loop for the opened file and searches for root elements
        if line.startswith("<?xml "):
            yield "".join(buffer)  # 1) Using "yield" allows to generate one instance per run of a root element and 2) .join takes the list (vector) "buffer" and connects an empty string to it
            buffer = []     # Creates a blank list to store the beginning of a new 'set' of data in beginning with the root element
        buffer.append(line) # Passes lines into list
    yield "".join(buffer)   # Outputs

# The second nested set of for-loops are used to parse the newly reformatted data into a new list

for xml_string in separated_xml(infile): # Calls the output of the separated and read file to parse the data
    soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_string, "lxml")     # BeautifulSoup parses the data strings where the XML is converted to Unicode
    pub_ref = soup.findAll("publication-reference") # Beginning parsing at every instance of a publication
    lst = []  # Creating empty list to append into

    with open('./output.csv', 'wb') as f:
        writer = csv.writer(f, dialect = 'excel')
        for info in pub_ref:  # Looping over all instances of publication
# The final loop finds every instance of invention name, patent number, date, and country to print and append into
                for inv_name, pat_num, date_num, country in zip(soup.findAll("invention-title"), soup.findAll("doc-number"), soup.findAll("date"), soup.findAll("country")):
                    print(inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text)
                    lst.append((inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text))                   
                    writer.writerow([inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text])
infle=“C:\\Users\\Grisha\\Documents\\Inventor\\2009\u Data\\Jan\\ipg090106.xml”
def separated_xml(infle):#定义每个xml部分的数据读取函数-这将xml从一开始就分开(根元素我相信(无论如何是第一个工作原理)。问题的基础是,您的
with open

我可以看到您有两种方法来处理此问题。更正确的方法是将file open语句移到最外层的for循环之外。我知道您提到您已经尝试过此方法,但问题在于细节。这会使您的更新代码看起来像这样:

    with open('./output.csv', 'wb') as f:
      writer = csv.writer(f, dialect='excel')

      for xml_string in separated_xml(infile):
        soup = BeautifulSoup(xml_string, "lxml")
        pub_ref = soup.findAll("publication-reference")
        lst = []

        for info in pub_ref:

          for inv_name, pat_num, date_num, country in zip(soup.findAll("invention-title"), soup.findAll("doc-number"), soup.findAll("date"), soup.findAll("country")):
            print(inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text)
            lst.append((inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text))
            writer.writerow([inv_name.text, pat_num.text, date_num.text, country.text])
有一种简单、快捷、简单的方法是,将open调用中的模式改为“ab”(append,binary),而不是“wb”(write binary,它会覆盖任何现有数据)。这种方法的效率要低得多,因为每次仍然通过for循环重新打开文件,但它可能会工作


with open('./output.csv', 'wb') as f:

