Python 在创建列表和调用变量时迷失方向

Python 在创建列表和调用变量时迷失方向,python,Python,我目前正在尝试创建一个菜单来为餐厅选择食物,但不知道如何正确显示菜单。我目前对它应该如何工作的非常粗略的想法如下: name = int(input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue ')) cc_list = [ ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50], ['2. Strawberry Tw


name = int(input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  '))

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]
print cc_list

while #Selection does not equal 1-4 repeat list

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety  '))

new_quantity = quantity * #Dougnut selection

print (name, 'here is your receipt:'):

name = int(input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  '))

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]
print cc_list

while #Selection does not equal 1-4 repeat list

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety  '))

new_quantity = quantity * #Dougnut selection

print (name, 'here is your receipt:'):





name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

selection = int(input("Please select 1-4"))
while selection not in [1,2,3,4]:
    selection = int(input("Please select 1-4"))

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety  '))

total_cost = quantity * cc_list[selection][2]

print(f'{name}, here is your receipt:')
print(f'------------------------------- # {cc_list[selection][0]} -------------------------------')
print(f'Total cost: ${total_cost}')
print('Thank you, have a nice day!')

Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  bill
[['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.5], ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25], ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05], ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]
Please select 1-41
How many would you like to purchase of this variety  1
bill, here is your receipt:
------------------------------- # 2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each) -------------------------------
Total cost: $2.25
Thank you, have a nice day!


name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

selection = int(input("Please select 1-4"))
while selection not in [1,2,3,4]:
    selection = int(input("Please select 1-4"))

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety  '))

total_cost = quantity * cc_list[selection][2]

print(f'{name}, here is your receipt:')
print(f'------------------------------- # {cc_list[selection][0]} -------------------------------')
print(f'Total cost: ${total_cost}')
print('Thank you, have a nice day!')

Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  bill
[['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.5], ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25], ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05], ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]
Please select 1-41
How many would you like to purchase of this variety  1
bill, here is your receipt:
------------------------------- # 2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each) -------------------------------
Total cost: $2.25
Thank you, have a nice day!



name = input('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  ')
cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

selct = int(input("Enter a number"))

order = cc_list[selct+1][0]
cost =str(cc_list[selct+1][2])

print(name + " your stuff")
print("The total cost is " + cost)



name = input('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue  ')
cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

selct = int(input("Enter a number"))

order = cc_list[selct+1][0]
cost =str(cc_list[selct+1][2])

print(name + " your stuff")
print("The total cost is " + cost)


name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue: ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

while hm not in range(1,5): 
   hm = int(input('Hello {}, Which item (1-4) would you like:  '.format(name)))

while quantity not in range(1,100): 
   quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety:  '))

new_quantity = quantity * cc_list[hm-1][2]

print (name, 'here is your receipt: ', new_quantity)


name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue: ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

while hm not in range(1,5): 
   hm = int(input('Hello {}, Which item (1-4) would you like:  '.format(name)))

while quantity not in range(1,100): 
   quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety:  '))

new_quantity = quantity * cc_list[hm-1][2]

print (name, 'here is your receipt: ', new_quantity)


cc_list = [
        ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
        ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
        ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
        ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue: ')

for item in cc_list:

choice = int(input('Your choice: '))

while choice not in range(1, 5):
    choice = int(input('Your choice: '))

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety: '))

prices = quantity * cc_list[choice-1][-1]

product_name = cc_list[choice-1][0]

print('{} here is your receipt:'.format(name))
print('----------- # {} -----------'.format(product_name))
print("Total cost: {} $".format(prices))
print("Thank you, have a nice day!")


cc_list = [
        ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
        ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
        ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
        ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue: ')

for item in cc_list:

choice = int(input('Your choice: '))

while choice not in range(1, 5):
    choice = int(input('Your choice: '))

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety: '))

prices = quantity * cc_list[choice-1][-1]

product_name = cc_list[choice-1][0]

print('{} here is your receipt:'.format(name))
print('----------- # {} -----------'.format(product_name))
print("Total cost: {} $".format(prices))
print("Thank you, have a nice day!")


name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue : ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

for x in range(len(cc_list)):

selection = int(input("Please select 1-4 : "))
while selection not in [1,2,3,4]:
    selection = int(input("Please select 1-4 : "))
# array start from possition 0
selection = selection - 1

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety : '))

total_cost = quantity * cc_list[selection][2]

print(f'{name}, here is your receipt : ')
print(f'------------------------------- # {cc_list[selection][0]} -------------------------------')
print(f'Total cost: ${total_cost}')
print('Thank you, have a nice day!')

Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue : Tim
['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.5]
['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25]
['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05]
['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]
Please select 1-4 : 4
How many would you like to purchase of this variety : 10
Tim, here is your receipt :
------------------------------- # 4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99) -------------------------------
Total cost: $19.9
Thank you, have a nice day!


name = input ('Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue : ')

cc_list = [
            ['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.50],
            ['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25],
            ['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05],
            ['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]]

for x in range(len(cc_list)):

selection = int(input("Please select 1-4 : "))
while selection not in [1,2,3,4]:
    selection = int(input("Please select 1-4 : "))
# array start from possition 0
selection = selection - 1

quantity = int(input('How many would you like to purchase of this variety : '))

total_cost = quantity * cc_list[selection][2]

print(f'{name}, here is your receipt : ')
print(f'------------------------------- # {cc_list[selection][0]} -------------------------------')
print(f'Total cost: ${total_cost}')
print('Thank you, have a nice day!')

Welcome to Dinos Cupcakes, enter your name to continue : Tim
['1. Chocolate-dipped Maple Puff ($3.50 each)', 1, 3.5]
['2. Strawberry Twizzler ($2.25 each)', 1, 2.25]
['3. Vanilla Chai Strudel ($4.05 each) ', 1, 4.05]
['4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99)', 1, 1.99]
Please select 1-4 : 4
How many would you like to purchase of this variety : 10
Tim, here is your receipt :
------------------------------- # 4. Honey-drizzled Lemon Dutchie ($1.99) -------------------------------
Total cost: $19.9
Thank you, have a nice day!