Python 尝试应用导入的模块后发生NameError

Python 尝试应用导入的模块后发生NameError,python,import,nameerror,Python,Import,Nameerror,我有一个稍微冗长且重复的程序,我将其他模块导入其中,然后将收集到的所有信息放入一个完整的句子中。我遇到的问题是在进入下一部分之前定义的所有内容,显示为名称错误 代码如下: import number print("Hello! \nWhat is your name?") myName = input() print("Well, " + myName + ", I think it is time for us to play a little game.") print("



 import number 
 print("Hello! \nWhat is your name?") 
 myName = input()
 print("Well, " + myName + ", I think it is time for us to play a
 little game.") 
 print("First, I need to know how old you are. Please
 type your age using only numbers.") 
 while True:
     age = input()
         if age:
             age = float(age)
             print("Great!\nNow, where do you live " + myName + "?")
             import Place
     except ValueError:
         print("I'm sorry, I did not understand your answer. Please only use digits and no decimals.")

 print("As a reminder, I am unable to tell the difference between
 places and anything else you respond with. You can make me sound
 silly, or you can just answer the question so everything makes sense
 in the end!") 
 place = input() 
 print("Alright!\nNow what is your
 print("While today's society has more than two ways to
 describe gender, please only use male or female for the sake of
 while True:
     gender = input()
     if gender == "male":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
     if gender == "MALE":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
     if gender == "Male":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
     if gender == "FEMALE":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
     if gender == "Female":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
     if gender == "female":
         print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
         import Answer
         print("Are you a male or female?")

while True:
    print("Did I get everything correct?\nPlease say yes or no.")
    answer = input()
    if answer == "Yes":
        print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
    if answer == "yes":
        print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
    if answer == "YES":
        print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
    elif answer == "no":
        print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from the beginning!")
        import Self_Story
    elif answer == "No":
        print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from the beginning!")
        import Self_Story
    elif answer == "NO":
        print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from the beginning!")
        import Self_Story
        print("I'm sorry, I did not understand that.")

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/Maddiefayee/Documents/", line 12, in <module>
    import Place
  File "/Users/Maddiefayee/Documents/", line 20, in <module>
    print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
NameError: name 'myName' is not defined


def place():
    print("As a reminder, I am unable to tell the difference between
places and anything else you respond with. You can make me sound
silly, or you can just answer the question so everything makes sense
in the end!") 
place = input() 
print("Alright!\nNow what is your
print("While today's society has more than two ways to
describe gender, please only use male or female for the sake of
while True:
    gender = input()
    if gender == "male":
        print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + "    years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
 if gender == "MALE":
     print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
 if gender == "Male":
     print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
 if gender == "FEMALE":
     print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
 if gender == "Female":
     print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
 if gender == "female":
     print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
     import Answer
     print("Are you a male or female?")
def answer():
   while True:
   print("Did I get everything correct?\nPlease say yes or no.")
   answer = input()
   if answer == "Yes":
       print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
   if answer == "yes":
       print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
   if answer == "YES":
       print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
   elif answer == "no":
       print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from    the beginning!")
       import Self_Story
   elif answer == "No":
       print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from    the beginning!")
       import Self_Story
   elif answer == "NO":
       print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from    the beginning!")
       print("I'm sorry, I did not understand that.")
def selfStory():
   import number 
   print("Hello! \nWhat is your name?") 
   myName = input()
   print("Well, " + myName + ", I think it is time for us to play a
   little game.") 
   print("First, I need to know how old you are. Please
   type your age using only numbers.") 
   while True:
       age = input()
           if age:
               age = float(age)
               print("Great!\nNow, where do you live " + myName + "?")
       except ValueError:
           print("I'm sorry, I did not understand your answer. Please    only use digits and no decimals.")

def GetNameAge():
    print("Hello! \nWhat is your name?") 
    myName = input()
    print("Well, " + myName + ", I think it is time for us to play a little game.") 
    print("""First, I need to know how old you are. Please
    type your age using only numbers.""") 
    while True:
        age = input()
            if age:
                age = str(float(age))
                return myName, age
        except ValueError:
            print("I'm sorry, I did not understand your answer. Please only use digits and no decimals.")

def GetPlaceGender():
    print("""As a reminder, I am unable to tell the difference between
    places and anything else you respond with. You can make me sound
    silly, or you can just answer the question so everything makes sense
    in the end!""") 
    place = input() 
    print("""Alright!\nNow what is your gender?\nWhile today's society has more than two ways to describe gender, 
    please only use male or female for the sake of simplicity!""") 
    while True:
        gender = input()
        gender = gender.lower().strip()
        if gender in ["male","female","m","f"]:
            return "male" if gender[0] == "m" else "female", place
            print("Are you a male or female?")   

def GetAnswer():
    while True:
        print("Did I get everything correct?\nPlease say yes, no, or exit.")
        answer = input()
        answer = answer.lower().strip()
        if answer in ["yes","y"]:
            print("Great! Thanks for playing!")
            return True
        elif answer in ["no","n"]:
            print("Okay! To make sure I avoid any errors, we must start from the beginning!")
            return False
        elif answer == "exit":
            return True
            print("I'm sorry, I did not understand that.")

if __name__ == "__main__":    
    while True:
        myName, age = GetNameAge()
        print("Great!\nNow, where do you live, " + myName + "?")
        gender, place = GetPlaceGender()
        print("Your name is " + myName + " and you are " + age + " years old. You are a " + gender + " and you live in " + place + "!")
        if GetAnswer(): break
