Python 烧瓶室

Python 烧瓶室,python,,flask-socketio,Python,,Flask Socketio,找到此样板文件,并想知道在向房间发送消息之前,是否确实需要加入房间 from flask import session from flask_socketio import emit, join_room, leave_room from .. import socketio @socketio.on('joined', namespace='/chat') def joined(message): """Sent by clients when they enter a room.


from flask import session
from flask_socketio import emit, join_room, leave_room
from .. import socketio

@socketio.on('joined', namespace='/chat')
def joined(message):
    """Sent by clients when they enter a room.
    A status message is broadcast to all people in the room."""
    room = session.get('room')
    emit('status', {'msg': session.get('name') + ' has entered the room.'}, room=room)

@socketio.on('text', namespace='/chat')
def text(message):
    """Sent by a client when the user entered a new message.
    The message is sent to all people in the room."""
    room = session.get('room')
    emit('message', {'msg': session.get('name') + ':' + message['msg']}, room=room)

@socketio.on('left', namespace='/chat')
def left(message):
    """Sent by clients when they leave a room.
    A status message is broadcast to all people in the room."""
    room = session.get('room')
    emit('status', {'msg': session.get('name') + ' has left the room.'}, room=room)

@socketio.on('text', namespace='/chat')
def text(message):
    """Sent by a client when the user entered a new message.
    The message is sent to all people in the room."""
    room = session.get('room')
    emit('message', {'msg': session.get('name') + ':' + message['msg']}, room=room)
