Python 二次公式函数

Python 二次公式函数,python,Python,我试着做一个函数,求一个二次公式的根,然后把它们作为一个列表返回。我需要确保参数也是数字。当a=0时,它还必须求解根 def quadratic_roots(a, b, c): if type(a) != float and int: print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch') return None if type(b) != float and int: print('All values


def quadratic_roots(a, b, c):

  if type(a) != float and int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None
  if type(b) != float and int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None
  if type(c) != float and int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None

      if a == 0:
          root = (-c) / b
          list_root = [root]
          return list_root

      elif a == 0 and b == 0:
          empty = []
          return empty

      elif a == 0 and b == 0 and c == 0:
          empty = []
          return empty

          discriminant = (b ** 2) -  4  * a * c
          root1 = ((-b) - ((discriminant)**.5))/(2*a)
          root2 = ((-b) + ((discriminant)**.5))/(2*a)
          if root1 > root2:
              list_roots = [root2, root1]
              return list_roots
          elif root2 > root1:
              list_roots = [root1, root2]
              return list_roots
          elif root1 == root2:
              list_roots = [root1]
              return list_roots

  • 对float或int的检查不正确
  • 答案为-c/b的情况不仅仅是当a==0时。当a为0且b和c均不为0时,则为。必须先检查一下
  • 它不会中断程序,但是嵌套的if/elif/else在您总是从if返回时不起作用。在这种情况下,elif只是更高级别的if
  • 如果不将操作数转换为浮点数,并且使用的是python 2,并且有-c/b的情况,那么如果这些是int,则将得到整数除法答案,而不是正确的浮点答案
  • 你不是在处理假想根。我不知道你想在那里做什么,所以我也没有处理他们。只要知道这段代码不处理判别式为负的情况

def quadratic_roots(a, b, c):

  if type(a) != float and type(a) != int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None
  if type(b) != float and type(b) != int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None
  if type(c) != float and type(c) != int:
      print('All values must be a int or float. Bitch')
      return None

  a = float(a)
  b = float(b)
  c = float(c)
  if a == 0 and (b == 0 or c == 0):
    return []
  if a == 0:
      root = (-c) / b 
      list_root = [root]
      return list_root

  discriminant = (b ** 2) -  4  * a * c 
  root1 = ((-b) - ((discriminant)**.5))/(2*a)
  root2 = ((-b) + ((discriminant)**.5))/(2*a)
  if root1 > root2:
      list_roots = [root2, root1]
  elif root2 > root1:
      list_roots = [root1, root2]
  else: # roots are equal
      list_roots = [root1]
  return list_roots
