Python 如何根据大小筛选DBSCAN生成的群集?

Python 如何根据大小筛选DBSCAN生成的群集?,python,machine-learning,scikit-learn,unsupervised-learning,dbscan,Python,Machine Learning,Scikit Learn,Unsupervised Learning,Dbscan,我已经应用了DBSCAN对数据集执行聚类,该数据集由点云中每个点的X、Y和Z坐标组成。我只想绘制少于100个点的簇。这就是我到目前为止所做的: clustering = DBSCAN(eps=0.1, min_samples=20, metric='euclidean').fit(only_xy) plt.scatter(only_xy[:, 0], only_xy[:, 1], c=clustering.labels_, cmap='rainbow') clusters = c


clustering = DBSCAN(eps=0.1, min_samples=20, metric='euclidean').fit(only_xy)
plt.scatter(only_xy[:, 0], only_xy[:, 1],
        c=clustering.labels_, cmap='rainbow')
clusters = clustering.components_
#Store the labels
labels = clustering.labels_

#Then get the frequency count of the non-negative labels
counts = np.bincount(labels[labels>=0])


[1278  564  208   47   36   30  191   54   24   18   40  915   26   20
   24  527   56  677   63   57   61 1544  512   21   45  187   39  132
   48   55  160   46   28   18   55   48   35   92   29   88   53   55
   24   52  114   49   34   34   38   52   38   53   69]



ls, cs = np.unique(labels,return_counts=True)
dic = dict(zip(ls,cs))
idx = [i for i,label in enumerate(labels) if dic[label] <100 and label >= 0]
from collections import Counter
labels_with_morethan100=[label for (label,count) in Counter(clustering.labels_).items() if count>100]
clusters_biggerthan100= clustering.components_[np.isin(clustering.labels_[clustering.labels_>=0], labels_with_morethan100)]


ls, cs = np.unique(labels,return_counts=True)
dic = dict(zip(ls,cs))
idx = [i for i,label in enumerate(labels) if dic[label] <100 and label >= 0]
from collections import Counter
labels_with_morethan100=[label for (label,count) in Counter(clustering.labels_).items() if count>100]
clusters_biggerthan100= clustering.components_[np.isin(clustering.labels_[clustering.labels_>=0], labels_with_morethan100)]
