Python 熊猫:基于行上的交点创建列id

Python 熊猫:基于行上的交点创建列id,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,我有一个熊猫数据框,如下所示: id1 id2 id3 A. x U A. Y J B x T C Z R D P R 用于可能传递2列到的unpivot和用于DICIARY的get all,最后用于新列: df1 = df.melt(id_vars='id1', value_vars=['id2','id3']) import networkx as nx # Create the graph from the dataframe g = nx.Graph() g = nx.from_pa


id1 id2 id3 A. x U A. Y J B x T C Z R D P R 用于可能传递2列到的unpivot和用于DICIARY的get all,最后用于新列:

df1 = df.melt(id_vars='id1', value_vars=['id2','id3'])

import networkx as nx

# Create the graph from the dataframe
g = nx.Graph()
g = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df1,'id1','value')

connected_components = nx.connected_components(g)

# Find the component id of the nodes
node2id = {}
for cid, component in enumerate(connected_components):
    for node in component:
        node2id[node] = cid + 1

df['g'] = df['id1'].map(node2id)
print (df)
  id1 id2 id3  g
0   a   x   u  1
1   a   y   j  1
2   b   x   t  1
3   c   z   r  2
4   d   p   r  2