Python 如何重新构造dataframe以基于列[se]值创建新列标签,然后使用列[value]值填充这些新列

Python 如何重新构造dataframe以基于列[se]值创建新列标签,然后使用列[value]值填充这些新列,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,原始数据帧 index Date Device Element Sub_Element Value 179593 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_txload 9 179594 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_rxload 30 179595 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y et


index Date Device Element Sub_Element Value 179593 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_txload 9 179594 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_rxload 30 179595 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_ip_addr x.x.x.x 179596 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y description string Date Device Element description eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y string 9 30 x.x.x.x 索引日期设备元素子元素值 179593 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_txload 9 179594 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_rxload 30 179595 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_ip_addr x.x.x.x 179596 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y描述字符串 所需数据帧

index Date Device Element Sub_Element Value 179593 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_txload 9 179594 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_rxload 30 179595 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y eth_ip_addr x.x.x.x 179596 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y description string Date Device Element description eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y string 9 30 x.x.x.x 日期设备元件说明eth\U txload eth\U rxload eth\U ip\U地址 2017-11-28 16:39:00 x y字符串9 30 x.x.x.x.x 最好的办法是什么






    index                 Date Device Element  Sub_Element    Value
0  179593  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y   eth_txload        9
1  179594  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y   eth_rxload       30
2  179595  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y  eth_ip_addr  x.x.x.x
3  179596  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y  description   string


Sub_Element                 Date Device Element description eth_ip_addr eth_rxload eth_txload
0            2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y      string     x.x.x.x         30          9
                  Date Device Element eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr description
0  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y          9         30     x.x.x.x string


#reading in dataframe from your text
df1 = pd.read_clipboard()

# creating an untouched copy of df1 for minpulation
df2 = df1.copy()    

# dropping the duplicates of index and Date to get one row
df1 = df1.drop_duplicates(subset=['index', 'Date'])

# creating a dictionary of key, value pairs for each column and value
kv = dict(zip(df2.Sub_Element, df2.Value))

# creating a datframe out of the above dictionary
new_df = pd.DataFrame(kv, index=[0])

# creating temp values to merge on
df1['tmp'] = 1
new_df['tmp'] = 1

# merging on the tmp values
output_df = df1.merge(new_df, on='tmp')

# cleaning up for the output
del output_df['Sub_Element']
del output_df['Value']
del output_df['tmp]

        index      Date Device Element description eth_ip_addr eth_rxload  eth_txload 
0  2017-11-28  16:39:00      x       y      string     x.x.x.x         30   9


# read in the dataframe
df = pd.read_clipboard()

# set up what we will be joining to
anchor = df[['Date','Device','Element']].drop_duplicates()

# loop through the values we want to pivot out
for element in df['Sub_Element'].unique():

    # filter the original dataframe for the value for Sub_Element
    # using the copy method avoids SettingWithCopyWarning
    temp = df[df['Sub_Element']==element].copy() 

    temp.rename(columns={'Value':element},inplace=True) #rename the header

    # left join the new dataframe to the anchor in case of NaNs
    anchor = anchor.merge(temp[['Date','Device','Element',element]],

Sub_Element                 Date Device Element description eth_ip_addr eth_rxload eth_txload
0            2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y      string     x.x.x.x         30          9
                  Date Device Element eth_txload eth_rxload eth_ip_addr description
0  2017-11-28 16:39:00      x       y          9         30     x.x.x.x string

列,并使每个值成为自己的列?@MattR我基本上是在处理类似传感器的数据,有数百万行。数据以[collection_timestamp、device、element(系统、接口等)、sub_element(cpu、mem、load、description等)、value(针对sub_e value的数据类型)]@MattR element的方案采集,sub_element有数百个唯一值。理想情况下,我希望弹出特定于设备和元素的所有sub_元素,并将它们放在一行上,以便于可读性和将来的屏蔽和df迭代。可能有点像一个扩展和减少操作。希望这有帮助,谢谢@马特:谢谢!感谢您的评论。@ScottBoston