
优化Python字典访问代码,python,optimization,dictionary,sparse-matrix,Python,Optimization,Dictionary,Sparse Matrix,问题: 我已经把我的Python程序剖析得面目全非了,有一个函数正在减慢一切。它大量使用Python字典,因此我可能没有以最佳方式使用它们。如果我不能让它运行得更快,我将不得不用C++来重写它,所以有人能帮助我在Python中优化它吗? 我希望我已经给出了正确的解释,并且您可以理解我的代码!提前感谢您的帮助 我的代码: 这是一个有问题的函数,使用。我正在运行Python 2.7 我对第363行、第389行和第405行尤其感到困惑,在这些行中,带有两个变量比较的if语句似乎花费了过多的时间 我曾考


我已经把我的Python程序剖析得面目全非了,有一个函数正在减慢一切。它大量使用Python字典,因此我可能没有以最佳方式使用它们。如果我不能让它运行得更快,我将不得不用C++来重写它,所以有人能帮助我在Python中优化它吗? 我希望我已经给出了正确的解释,并且您可以理解我的代码!提前感谢您的帮助


这是一个有问题的函数,使用。我正在运行Python 2.7


我曾考虑过使用(就像使用稀疏矩阵一样),但我认为这不合适,因为:(1)我没有使用整数为我的矩阵编制索引(我使用的是对象实例);(2)我没有在矩阵中存储简单的数据类型(我存储的是浮点和对象实例的元组)。 但我很愿意被说服。 如果有人知道NumPy的稀疏矩阵性能和Python的哈希表,我会感兴趣的


Timer unit: 3.33366e-10 s
File: routing_distances.py
Function: propagate_distances_node at line 328
Total time: 807.234 s

Line #   Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
328                                               @profile
329                                               def propagate_distances_node(self, node_a, cutoff_distance=200):
331                                                   # a makes sure its immediate neighbours are correctly in its distance table
332                                                   # because its immediate neighbours may change as binds/folding change
333    737753   3733642341   5060.8      0.2          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].iteritems():
334    512120   2077788924   4057.2      0.1              use_neighbour_link = False
336    512120   2465798454   4814.9      0.1              if(node_b not in self.node_distances[node_a]): # a doesn't know distance to b
337     15857     66075687   4167.0      0.0                  use_neighbour_link = True
338                                                       else: # a does know distance to b
339    496263   2390534838   4817.1      0.1                  (node_distance_b_a, next_node) = self.node_distances[node_a][node_b]
340    496263   2058112872   4147.2      0.1                  if(node_distance_b_a > neighbour_distance_b_a): # neighbour distance is shorter
341        81       331794   4096.2      0.0                      use_neighbour_link = True
342    496182   2665644192   5372.3      0.1                  elif((None == next_node) and (float('+inf') == neighbour_distance_b_a)): # direct route that has just broken
343        75       313623   4181.6      0.0                      use_neighbour_link = True
345    512120   1992514932   3890.7      0.1              if(use_neighbour_link):
346     16013     78149007   4880.3      0.0                  self.node_distances[node_a][node_b] = (neighbour_distance_b_a, None)
347     16013     83489949   5213.9      0.0                  self.nodes_changed.add(node_a)
349                                                           ## Affinity distances update
350     16013     86020794   5371.9      0.0                  if((node_a.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
351       164      3950487  24088.3      0.0                      self.add_affinityDistance(node_a, node_b, self.chemistry.affinity(node_a.data, node_b.data))     
353                                                   # a sends its table to all its immediate neighbours
354    737753   3549685140   4811.5      0.1          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].iteritems():
355    512120   2129343210   4157.9      0.1              node_b_changed = False
357                                                       # b integrates a's distance table with its own
358    512120   2203821081   4303.3      0.1              node_b_chemical = node_b.chemical
359    512120   2409257898   4704.5      0.1              node_b_distances = node_b_chemical.node_distances[node_b]
361                                                       # For all b's routes (to c) that go to a first, update their distances
362  41756882 183992040153   4406.3      7.6              for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.iteritems(): # Think it's ok to modify items while iterating over them (just not insert/delete) (seems to work ok)
363  41244762 172425596985   4180.5      7.1                  if(node_after_b == node_a):
365  16673654  64255631616   3853.7      2.7                      try:
366  16673654  88781802534   5324.7      3.7                          distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + self.node_distances[node_a][node_c][0]
367    187083    929898684   4970.5      0.0                      except KeyError:
368    187083   1056787479   5648.8      0.0                          distance_b_a_c = float('+inf')
370  16673654  69374705256   4160.7      2.9                      if(distance_b_c != distance_b_a_c): # a's distance to c has changed
371    710083   3136751361   4417.4      0.1                          node_b_distances[node_c] = (distance_b_a_c, node_a)
372    710083   2848845276   4012.0      0.1                          node_b_changed = True
374                                                                   ## Affinity distances update
375    710083   3484577241   4907.3      0.1                          if((node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_c.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
376     99592   1591029009  15975.5      0.1                              node_b_chemical.add_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c, self.chemistry.affinity(node_b.data, node_c.data))
378                                                               # If distance got longer, then ask b's neighbours to update
379                                                               ## TODO: document this!
380  16673654  70998570837   4258.1      2.9                      if(distance_b_a_c > distance_b_c):
381                                                                   #for (node, neighbour_distance) in node_b_chemical.neighbours[node_b].iteritems():
382   1702852   7413182064   4353.4      0.3                          for node in node_b_chemical.neighbours[node_b]:
383   1204903   5912053272   4906.7      0.2                              node.chemical.nodes_changed.add(node)
385                                                       # Look for routes from a to c that are quicker than ones b knows already
386  42076729 184216680432   4378.1      7.6              for node_c, (distance_a_c, node_after_a) in self.node_distances[node_a].iteritems():
388  41564609 171150289218   4117.7      7.1                  node_b_update = False
389  41564609 172040284089   4139.1      7.1                  if(node_c == node_b): # a-b path
390    512120   2040112548   3983.7      0.1                      pass
391  41052489 169406668962   4126.6      7.0                  elif(node_after_a == node_b): # a-b-a-b path
392  16251407  63918804600   3933.1      2.6                      pass
393  24801082 101577038778   4095.7      4.2                  elif(node_c in node_b_distances): # b can already get to c
394  24004846 103404357180   4307.6      4.3                      (distance_b_c, node_after_b) = node_b_distances[node_c]
395  24004846 102717271836   4279.0      4.2                      if(node_after_b != node_a): # b doesn't already go to a first
396   7518275  31858204500   4237.4      1.3                          distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c
397   7518275  33470022717   4451.8      1.4                          if(distance_b_a_c < distance_b_c): # quicker to go via a
398    225357    956440656   4244.1      0.0                              node_b_update = True
399                                                           else: # b can't already get to c
400    796236   3415455549   4289.5      0.1                      distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c
401    796236   3412145520   4285.3      0.1                      if(distance_b_a_c < cutoff_distance): # not too for to go
402    593352   2514800052   4238.3      0.1                          node_b_update = True
404                                                           ## Affinity distances update
405  41564609 164585250189   3959.7      6.8                  if node_b_update:
406    818709   3933555120   4804.6      0.2                      node_b_distances[node_c] = (distance_b_a_c, node_a)
407    818709   4151464335   5070.7      0.2                      if((node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_c.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
408    104293   1704446289  16342.9      0.1                          node_b_chemical.add_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c, self.chemistry.affinity(node_b.data, node_c.data))
409    818709   3557529531   4345.3      0.1                      node_b_changed = True
411                                                       # If any of node b's rows have exceeded the cutoff distance, then remove them
412  42350234 197075504439   4653.5      8.1              for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.items(): # Can't use iteritems() here, as deleting from the dictionary
413  41838114 180297579789   4309.4      7.4                  if(distance_b_c > cutoff_distance):
414    206296    894881754   4337.9      0.0                      del node_b_distances[node_c]
415    206296    860508045   4171.2      0.0                      node_b_changed = True
417                                                               ## Affinity distances update
418    206296   4698692217  22776.5      0.2                      node_b_chemical.del_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c)
420                                                       # If we've modified node_b's distance table, tell its chemical to update accordingly
421    512120   2130466347   4160.1      0.1              if(node_b_changed):
422    217858   1201064454   5513.1      0.0                  node_b_chemical.nodes_changed.add(node_b)
424                                                   # Remove any neighbours that have infinite distance (have just unbound)
425                                                   ## TODO: not sure what difference it makes to do this here rather than above (after updating self.node_distances for neighbours)
426                                                   ##       but doing it above seems to break the walker's movement
427    737753   3830386968   5192.0      0.2          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].items(): # Can't use iteritems() here, as deleting from the dictionary
428    512120   2249770068   4393.1      0.1              if(neighbour_distance_b_a > cutoff_distance):
429       150       747747   4985.0      0.0                  del self.neighbours[node_a][node_b]
431                                                           ## Affinity distances update
432       150      2148813  14325.4      0.0                  self.del_affinityDistance(node_a, node_b)

self.node\u distance

propagate\u distance\u node()。给定一个节点,
node\u a
node\u a

传播距离\u node()
函数,直到距离矩阵收敛。自上次更新以来已更改其路由表的节点的集合“self.nodes\u changed
propagate\u distance\u node()
self.nodes\u changed



self.node\u distance.keys()
self.node\u distance[node\u x].keys()中的节点是来自化学品的节点,可能是来自与化学品结合(并与之反应)的任何化学品的节点


的每个实例(根据@Sven Marnach的评论),但它减慢了速度!(我没想到!) 我最初的配置文件运行了807.234秒,但经过这次修改后,它增加到了895.895秒。对不起,我做得不对!我使用了一行接一行,这(在我的代码中)有太多的差异(90秒的差异都在噪音中)。正确地分析它时,

更新: 现有图书馆

我不确定是否会有一个现有的库可以满足我的要求,因为我的要求不同寻常: 我需要计算短距离
self.node_distances = { node_1 : { node_2 : (2.0, None),
                                   node_3 : (5.7, node_2),
                                   node_5 : (22.9, node_2) },
                        node_2 : { node_1 : (2.0, None),
                                   node_3 : (3.7, None),
                                   node_5 : (20.9, node_7)},
>>> class B(object):
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         print "B.__eq__()"
...         return False
>>> class A(object):
...     def __eq__(self, other):
...         print "A.__eq__()"
...         return False
>>> a = A()
>>> b = B()
>>> a == b
>>> b == a
#!/usr/bin/env python
# test.py
class A(object):
    def __init__(self, id):
        self.id = id

class B(A):
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.id == other.id

def main():
    list_a = []
    list_b = []
    for x in range(100000):

    ob_a = A(1)
    ob_b = B(1)
    for ob in list_a:
        if ob == ob_a:
            x = True
        if ob is ob_a:
            x = True
        if ob.id == ob_a.id:
            x = True
        if ob.id == 1:
            x = True
    for ob in list_b:
        if ob == ob_b:
            x = True
        if ob is ob_b:
            x = True
        if ob.id == ob_b.id:
            x = True
        if ob.id == 1:
            x = True

if __name__ == '__main__':
Timer unit: 1e-06 s

File: test.py Function: main at line 10 Total time: 5.52964 s

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit % Time  Line Contents
    10                                           @profile
    11                                           def main():
    12         1            5      5.0      0.0      list_a = []
    13         1            3      3.0      0.0      list_b = []
    14    100001       360677      3.6      6.5      for x in range(100000):
    15    100000       763593      7.6     13.8          list_a.append(A(x))
    16    100000       924822      9.2     16.7          list_b.append(B(x))
    18         1           14     14.0      0.0      ob_a = A(1)
    19         1            5      5.0      0.0      ob_b = B(1)
    20    100001       500454      5.0      9.1      for ob in list_a:
    21    100000       267252      2.7      4.8          if ob == ob_a:
    22                                                       x = True
    23    100000       259075      2.6      4.7          if ob is ob_a:
    24                                                       x = True
    25    100000       539683      5.4      9.8          if ob.id == ob_a.id:
    26         1            3      3.0      0.0              x = True
    27    100000       271519      2.7      4.9          if ob.id == 1:
    28         1            3      3.0      0.0              x = True
    29    100001       296736      3.0      5.4      for ob in list_b:
    30    100000       472204      4.7      8.5          if ob == ob_b:
    31         1            4      4.0      0.0              x = True
    32    100000       283165      2.8      5.1          if ob is ob_b:
    33                                                       x = True
    34    100000       298839      3.0      5.4          if ob.id == ob_b.id:
    35         1            3      3.0      0.0              x = True
    36    100000       291576      2.9      5.3          if ob.id == 1:
    37         1            3      3.0      0.0              x = True
vmstat 10 100
import psyco
Line    #   Hits    Time    Per Hit % Time  Line Contents
412 42350234    197075504439    4653.5  8.1 for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.items(): # Can't use iteritems() here, as deleting from the dictionary
386 42076729    184216680432    4378.1  7.6 for node_c, (distance_a_c, node_after_a) in self.node_distances[node_a].iteritems():
362 41756882    183992040153    4406.3  7.6 for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.iteritems(): # Think it's ok to modify items while iterating over them (just not insert/delete) (seems to work ok)
413 41838114    180297579789    4309.4  7.4 if(distance_b_c > cutoff_distance):
363 41244762    172425596985    4180.5  7.1 if(node_after_b == node_a):
389 41564609    172040284089    4139.1  7.1 if(node_c == node_b): # a-b path
388 41564609    171150289218    4117.7  7.1 node_b_update = False
391 41052489    169406668962    4126.6  7   elif(node_after_a == node_b): # a-b-a-b path
405 41564609    164585250189    3959.7  6.8 if node_b_update:
394 24004846    103404357180    4307.6  4.3 (distance_b_c, node_after_b) = node_b_distances[node_c]
395 24004846    102717271836    4279    4.2 if(node_after_b != node_a): # b doesn't already go to a first
393 24801082    101577038778    4095.7  4.2 elif(node_c in node_b_distances): # b can already get to c
if (node_after_a is not node_b) and (node_c is not node_b):
   # neither a-b-a-b nor a-b path
   if (node_c in node_b_distances): # b can already get to c
       (distance_b_c, node_after_b) = node_b_distances[node_c]
       if (node_after_b is not node_a): # b doesn't already go to a first
           distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c
           if (distance_b_a_c < distance_b_c): # quicker to go via a
               node_b_update = T
   else: # b can't already get to c
       distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c
       if (distance_b_a_c < cutoff_distance): # not too for to go
           node_b_update = T
Timer unit: 3.33366e-10 s
File: routing_distances.py
Function: propagate_distances_node at line 328
Total time: 760.74 s

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
328                                               @profile
329                                               def propagate_distances_node(self, node_a, cutoff_distance=200):
331                                                   # a makes sure its immediate neighbours are correctly in its distance table
332                                                   # because its immediate neighbours may change as binds/folding change
333    791349   4158169713   5254.5      0.2          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].iteritems():
334    550522   2331886050   4235.8      0.1              use_neighbour_link = False
336    550522   2935995237   5333.1      0.1              if(node_b not in self.node_distances[node_a]): # a doesn't know distance to b
337     15931     68829156   4320.5      0.0                  use_neighbour_link = True
338                                                       else: # a does know distance to b
339    534591   2728134153   5103.2      0.1                  (node_distance_b_a, next_node) = self.node_distances[node_a][node_b]
340    534591   2376374859   4445.2      0.1                  if(node_distance_b_a > neighbour_distance_b_a): # neighbour distance is shorter
341        78       347355   4453.3      0.0                      use_neighbour_link = True
342    534513   3145889079   5885.5      0.1                  elif((None is next_node) and (float('+inf') == neighbour_distance_b_a)): # direct route that has just broken
343        74       327600   4427.0      0.0                      use_neighbour_link = True
345    550522   2414669022   4386.1      0.1              if(use_neighbour_link):
346     16083     81850626   5089.3      0.0                  self.node_distances[node_a][node_b] = (neighbour_distance_b_a, None)
347     16083     87064200   5413.4      0.0                  self.nodes_changed.add(node_a)
349                                                           ## Affinity distances update
350     16083     86580603   5383.4      0.0                  if((node_a.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
351       234      6656868  28448.2      0.0                      self.add_affinityDistance(node_a, node_b, self.chemistry.affinity(node_a.data, node_b.data))     
353                                                   # a sends its table to all its immediate neighbours
354    791349   4034651958   5098.4      0.2          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].iteritems():
355    550522   2392248546   4345.4      0.1              node_b_changed = False
357                                                       # b integrates a's distance table with its own
358    550522   2520330696   4578.1      0.1              node_b_chemical = node_b.chemical
359    550522   2734341975   4966.8      0.1              node_b_distances = node_b_chemical.node_distances[node_b]
361                                                       # For all b's routes (to c) that go to a first, update their distances
362  46679347 222161837193   4759.3      9.7              for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.iteritems(): # Think it's ok to modify items while iterating over them (just not insert/delete) (seems to work ok)
363  46128825 211963639122   4595.0      9.3                  if(node_after_b is node_a):
365  18677439  79225517916   4241.8      3.5                      try:
366  18677439 101527287264   5435.8      4.4                          distance_b_a_c = neighbour_distance_b_a + self.node_distances[node_a][node_c][0]
367    181510    985441680   5429.1      0.0                      except KeyError:
368    181510   1166118921   6424.5      0.1                          distance_b_a_c = float('+inf')
370  18677439  89626381965   4798.6      3.9                      if(distance_b_c != distance_b_a_c): # a's distance to c has changed
371    692131   3352970709   4844.4      0.1                          node_b_distances[node_c] = (distance_b_a_c, node_a)
372    692131   3066946866   4431.2      0.1                          node_b_changed = True
374                                                                   ## Affinity distances update
375    692131   3808548270   5502.6      0.2                          if((node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_c.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
376     96794   1655818011  17106.6      0.1                              node_b_chemical.add_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c, self.chemistry.affinity(node_b.data, node_c.data))
378                                                               # If distance got longer, then ask b's neighbours to update
379                                                               ## TODO: document this!
380  18677439  88838493705   4756.5      3.9                      if(distance_b_a_c > distance_b_c):
381                                                                   #for (node, neighbour_distance) in node_b_chemical.neighbours[node_b].iteritems():
382   1656796   7949850642   4798.3      0.3                          for node in node_b_chemical.neighbours[node_b]:
383   1172486   6307264854   5379.4      0.3                              node.chemical.nodes_changed.add(node)
385                                                       # Look for routes from a to c that are quicker than ones b knows already
386  46999631 227198060532   4834.0     10.0              for node_c, (distance_a_c, node_after_a) in self.node_distances[node_a].iteritems():
388  46449109 218024862372   4693.8      9.6                  if((node_after_a is not node_b) and # not a-b-a-b path
389  28049321 126269403795   4501.7      5.5                     (node_c is not node_b)):         # not a-b path
390  27768341 121588366824   4378.7      5.3                      try: # Assume node_c in node_b_distances ('try' block will raise KeyError if not)
391  27768341 159413637753   5740.8      7.0                          if((node_b_distances[node_c][1] is not node_a) and # b doesn't already go to a first
392   8462467  51890478453   6131.8      2.3                             ((neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c) < node_b_distances[node_c][0])):
394                                                                       # Found a route
395    224593   1168129548   5201.1      0.1                              node_b_distances[node_c] = (neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c, node_a)
396                                                                       ## Affinity distances update
397    224593   1274631354   5675.3      0.1                              if((node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_c.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
398     32108    551523249  17177.1      0.0                                  node_b_chemical.add_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c, self.chemistry.affinity(node_b.data, node_c.data))
399    224593   1165878108   5191.1      0.1                              node_b_changed = True
401    809945   4449080808   5493.1      0.2                      except KeyError:
402                                                                   # b can't already get to c (node_c not in node_b_distances)
403    809945   4208032422   5195.5      0.2                          if((neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c) < cutoff_distance): # not too for to go
405                                                                       # These lines of code copied, for efficiency 
406                                                                       #  (most of the time, the 'try' block succeeds, so don't bother testing for (node_c in node_b_distances))
407                                                                       # Found a route
408    587726   3162939543   5381.7      0.1                              node_b_distances[node_c] = (neighbour_distance_b_a + distance_a_c, node_a)
409                                                                       ## Affinity distances update
410    587726   3363869061   5723.5      0.1                              if((node_b.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE) and (node_c.type == Atom.BINDING_SITE)):
411     71659   1258910784  17568.1      0.1                                  node_b_chemical.add_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c, self.chemistry.affinity(node_b.data, node_c.data))
412    587726   2706161481   4604.5      0.1                              node_b_changed = True
416                                                       # If any of node b's rows have exceeded the cutoff distance, then remove them
417  47267073 239847142446   5074.3     10.5              for node_c, (distance_b_c, node_after_b) in node_b_distances.items(): # Can't use iteritems() here, as deleting from the dictionary
418  46716551 242694352980   5195.0     10.6                  if(distance_b_c > cutoff_distance):
419    200755    967443975   4819.0      0.0                      del node_b_distances[node_c]
420    200755    930470616   4634.9      0.0                      node_b_changed = True
422                                                               ## Affinity distances update
423    200755   4717125063  23496.9      0.2                      node_b_chemical.del_affinityDistance(node_b, node_c)
425                                                       # If we've modified node_b's distance table, tell its chemical to update accordingly
426    550522   2684634615   4876.5      0.1              if(node_b_changed):
427    235034   1383213780   5885.2      0.1                  node_b_chemical.nodes_changed.add(node_b)
429                                                   # Remove any neighbours that have infinite distance (have just unbound)
430                                                   ## TODO: not sure what difference it makes to do this here rather than above (after updating self.node_distances for neighbours)
431                                                   ##       but doing it above seems to break the walker's movement
432    791349   4367879451   5519.5      0.2          for (node_b, neighbour_distance_b_a) in self.neighbours[node_a].items(): # Can't use iteritems() here, as deleting from the dictionary
433    550522   2968919613   5392.9      0.1              if(neighbour_distance_b_a > cutoff_distance):
434       148       775638   5240.8      0.0                  del self.neighbours[node_a][node_b]
436                                                           ## Affinity distances update
437       148      2096343  14164.5      0.0                  self.del_affinityDistance(node_a, node_b)