
如何在Python中使用所有特定模式拆分数据帧列中的字符串,python,regex,split,Python,Regex,Split,我有以下数据框,其中包含许多作者及其所属机构。 在从属关系列中,有一个模式“Department of…,”我需要为每个作者拆分此模式。请注意,每行(作者)的这种模式可能会出现多次。 我需要为每个作者拆分所有“department of…,”模式,并存储在分配给该作者的单独列或行中。 (我需要用Python来做。) 下图显示了预期结果。 我将非常感谢您的帮助。这可以通过使用“re”模块并查找模式-“(Department of.*?”)来完成 建议剪下: import re re.finda


在从属关系列中,有一个模式“Department of…,”我需要为每个作者拆分此模式。请注意,每行(作者)的这种模式可能会出现多次。 我需要为每个作者拆分所有“department of…,”模式,并存储在分配给该作者的单独列或行中。 (我需要用Python来做。) 下图显示了预期结果。


这可以通过使用“re”模块并查找模式-“(Department of.*?”)来完成


import re
re.findall("(Department of .*?),","Department of Oncology, aadsf, afasdf, Department of Computer science, asf asfa, asfas, ")
['Department of Oncology','Department of Computer science']



6504356384,"Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109, United States, Department of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109, United States"
57194644787,"Department of Pathology and Immunology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, Texas Children's Microbiome Center, Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, TX, United States, Department of Pathology, Texas Children's Ho:"
57194687826,"Department of Biochemistry, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, ON N6A 2C1, Canada, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Western University, London, ON N6A 2C1, Canada, Depart"
123456789,"Department of RegexTest, Address and Numbers, Department of RegexTest, Faculty of Patterns, Department of RegexTest, Department of RegexTest, City and Place"

     Author_ID              Affiliation0              Affiliation1             Affiliation2             Affiliation3
0   6504356384  Department of Cell an...  Department of Computa...                      NaN                      NaN
1  57194644787  Department of Patholo...   Department of Pathology                      NaN                      NaN
2  57194687826  Department of Biochem...  Department of Compute...                      NaN                      NaN
3    123456789   Department of RegexTest   Department of RegexTest  Department of RegexTest  Department of RegexTest

     Author_ID              Affiliation0              Affiliation1             Affiliation2             Affiliation3
0   6504356384  Department of Cell an...  Department of Computa...                      NaN                      NaN
1  57194644787  Department of Patholo...   Department of Pathology                      NaN                      NaN
2  57194687826  Department of Biochem...  Department of Compute...                      NaN                      NaN
3    123456789   Department of RegexTest   Department of RegexTest  Department of RegexTest  Department of RegexTest