
python代码的帮助,python,Python,我正在阅读一本名为python for software design的python书籍,它有以下练习: 假设一本书的封面价格是24.95美元,但书店可以得到40%的折扣。 第一份的运费是3美元,每增加一份75美分。什么 60份的总批发成本是多少 好的,我有以下代码: bookPrice = 24.95 discount = .60 shippingPriceRest = .75 shippingPriceFirst = 3.00 totalUnits = 60 bookDiscountAmo

我正在阅读一本名为python for software design的python书籍,它有以下练习:

假设一本书的封面价格是24.95美元,但书店可以得到40%的折扣。 第一份的运费是3美元,每增加一份75美分。什么 60份的总批发成本是多少


bookPrice = 24.95
discount = .60
shippingPriceRest = .75
shippingPriceFirst = 3.00
totalUnits = 60

bookDiscountAmount = bookPrice * discount * totalUnits
shipping = shippingPriceRest * 59 + shippingPriceFirst

result = bookDiscountAmount + shipping

print 'The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is: '
print 'Total price of the books is: ' + str(bookDiscountAmount)
print 'Total Shipping is: ' + str(shipping)
print 'The Total price is: ' + str(result)

包括运费和折扣在内的60本书的总价为: 这些书的总价是:898.2美元 总运费为:47.25美元 总价是:945.45美元


这是正确的吗? 我怎样才能使这个代码更好?





print """The total price for {0:d} books including shipping and discount is: 
         Total price of the books is: {1:7.2f} 
         Total Shipping is:           {2:7.2f} 
         The Total price is:          {3:7.2f}""".format(totalUnits, bookDiscountAmount
                                                         shipping, result)





#Your code, commented

bookPrice = 24.95
discount = .60
shippingPriceRest = .75
shippingPriceFirst = 3.00
totalUnits = 60

bookDiscountAmount = bookPrice * discount * totalUnits # Poor variable name choice. This is not the book discount amount, it's the cost of all books without shipping
shipping = shippingPriceRest * 59 + shippingPriceFirst # You should really use your variables as much as possible. Instead of 59, use totalUnits - 1

result = bookDiscountAmount + shipping

print 'The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is: '
print 'Total price of the books is: ' + str(bookDiscountAmount)
print 'Total Shipping is: ' + str(shipping)
print 'The Total price is: ' + str(result)

#An example of your code, cleaned up

bookPrice = 24.95
discount = .60
shippingPriceRest = .75
shippingPriceFirst = 3.00
totalUnits = 60

totalCostBeforeShipping = (bookPrice * discount) * totalUnits
shipping = (shippingPriceRest * (totalUnits-1)) + shippingPriceFirst

result = totalCostBeforeShipping + shipping

print 'The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is: '
print 'Total price of the books is: ' + str(totalCostBeforeShipping)
print 'Total Shipping is: ' + str(shipping)
print 'The Total price is: ' + str(result)

#An example of another method, using a loop

bookPrice = 24.95
discount = 40 # %
bookPriceWithDiscount = bookPrice * ((100.0-discount)/100.0)
firstBookShippingPrice = 3
otherBookShippingPrice = .75
totalBooks = 60

totalCost = 0

for book in range(totalBooks):
    if book == 0:
        totalCost += firstBookShippingPrice
        totalCost += otherBookShippingPrice

    totalCost += bookPriceWithDiscount

shipping = firstBookShippingPrice + (otherBookShippingPrice * totalBooks)

print 'The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is:'
print 'Total price per book is: %d'%(bookPriceWithDiscount)
print 'Total shipping is: %d'%(shipping)
print 'The total price is: %d'%(result)
bookCost = 24.95
numBooks = 60.0

def cost(numBooks):
    bulkBookCost = ((bookCost * 0.60) * numBooks)
    shippingCost = (3.0 + (0.75 * (numBooks - 1)))
    totalCost = bulkBookCost + shippingCost
    print 'The total cost is: $', totalCost



price = 24.95
discount = price * (40/100)
d_price = price - discount
shipping = 3 + (0.75 * (60 - 1))
wholesale = d_price * 60 + shipping



    bc = 24.95    #book cost real price
dis = 0.40    # discount percent
bcd = bc*dis  # discount amount
bp = bc - bcd # book price

scf = 3       # shipping cost for the first book
scr = 0.75    # shipping cost for the rest books

cost1 = bp*scf
cost2 = bp*scr*59
TotalCost = cost1 + cost2
price = 24.95 - (24.95)*4/10
order = 60
shipping = 3 + 0.75*(order-1)
print('The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is %.2f$' % (order*price + shipping))

    bc = 24.95    #book cost real price
dis = 0.40    # discount percent
bcd = bc*dis  # discount amount
bp = bc - bcd # book price

scf = 3       # shipping cost for the first book
scr = 0.75    # shipping cost for the rest books

cost1 = bp*scf
cost2 = bp*scr*59
TotalCost = cost1 + cost2
price = 24.95 - (24.95)*4/10
order = 60
shipping = 3 + 0.75*(order-1)
print('The total price for 60 books including shipping and discount is %.2f$' % (order*price + shipping))