Python 使用sklearn'分离熊猫数据帧;s KFold

Python 使用sklearn'分离熊猫数据帧;s KFold,python,pandas,scikit-learn,Python,Pandas,Scikit Learn,我已经用下面的代码获得了训练集和测试集的索引 df = pandas.read_pickle(filepath + filename) kf = KFold(n_splits = n_splits, shuffle = shuffle, random_state = randomState) result = next(kf.split(df), None) #train can be accessed with result[0] #test can be accessed with r


df = pandas.read_pickle(filepath + filename)
kf = KFold(n_splits = n_splits, shuffle = shuffle, random_state = 

result = next(kf.split(df), None)

#train can be accessed with result[0]
#test can be accessed with result[1]



df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((10,5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))
df.index = df.index * 10
print (df)
           A         B         C         D         E
0   0.543405  0.278369  0.424518  0.844776  0.004719
10  0.121569  0.670749  0.825853  0.136707  0.575093
20  0.891322  0.209202  0.185328  0.108377  0.219697
30  0.978624  0.811683  0.171941  0.816225  0.274074
40  0.431704  0.940030  0.817649  0.336112  0.175410
50  0.372832  0.005689  0.252426  0.795663  0.015255
60  0.598843  0.603805  0.105148  0.381943  0.036476
70  0.890412  0.980921  0.059942  0.890546  0.576901
80  0.742480  0.630184  0.581842  0.020439  0.210027
90  0.544685  0.769115  0.250695  0.285896  0.852395

from sklearn.model_selection import KFold

#added some parameters
kf = KFold(n_splits = 5, shuffle = True, random_state = 2)
result = next(kf.split(df), None)
print (result)
(array([0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), array([1, 4]))

train = df.iloc[result[0]]
test =  df.iloc[result[1]]

print (train)
           A         B         C         D         E
0   0.543405  0.278369  0.424518  0.844776  0.004719
20  0.891322  0.209202  0.185328  0.108377  0.219697
30  0.978624  0.811683  0.171941  0.816225  0.274074
50  0.372832  0.005689  0.252426  0.795663  0.015255
60  0.598843  0.603805  0.105148  0.381943  0.036476
70  0.890412  0.980921  0.059942  0.890546  0.576901
80  0.742480  0.630184  0.581842  0.020439  0.210027
90  0.544685  0.769115  0.250695  0.285896  0.852395

print (test)
           A         B         C         D         E
10  0.121569  0.670749  0.825853  0.136707  0.575093
40  0.431704  0.940030  0.817649  0.336112  0.175410