Python 熊猫换行

Python 熊猫换行,python,pandas,matrix,dataframe,min,Python,Pandas,Matrix,Dataframe,Min,我有一个数据框中的矩阵 print dfMatrix 0 1 2 3 4 0 10000 10 8 11 10 1 10 100000 13 9 10 2 8 13 10000 9 11 3 11 9 9 10000 12 4 10 10 11


print dfMatrix
       0       1      2      3       4
0  10000      10      8     11      10
1     10  100000     13      9      10
2      8      13  10000      9      11
3     11       9      9  10000      12
4     10      10     11     12  100000
我需要通过将每一行的值从该行(逐行)减少最小值来更改行值 以下是我尝试的代码:

def matrixReduction(matrix):
    minRowValues = matrix.min(axis=1)
    for i in xrange(matrix.shape[1]):
        matrix[i][:] = matrix[i][:] - minRowValues[i]
    return matrix

      0     1     2     3     4
 0 9992     2     0     3     2
 1    1 99991     4     0     1
 2    0     5  9992     1     3
 3    2     0     0  9991     3
 4    0     0     1     2 99990

      0      1     2     3      4
0  9992      1     0     2      0
1     2  99991     5     0      0
2     0      4  9992     0      1
3     3      0     1  9991      2
4     2      1     3     3  99990
因此它会更改列中的值,而不是行中的值, 如何为行实现它? thx



def matrixReduction(matrix):
    minRowValues = matrix.min(axis=1)
    for i in range(matrix.shape[1]):
        matrix.ix[i,:] = matrix.ix[i, :] - minRowValues[i]
    return matrix

In [136]: %timeit (matrixReduction(df))
100 loops, best of 3: 2.64 ms per loop

In [137]: %timeit (df.sub(df.min(axis=1), axis=0))
The slowest run took 5.49 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000 loops, best of 3: 308 µs per loop
In [136]: %timeit (matrixReduction(df))
100 loops, best of 3: 2.64 ms per loop

In [137]: %timeit (df.sub(df.min(axis=1), axis=0))
The slowest run took 5.49 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
1000 loops, best of 3: 308 µs per loop