
Python中的类实现(TF-IDF-CF),python,jupyter-notebook,tf-idf,Python,Jupyter Notebook,Tf Idf,我想用TF-IDF-CF方法进行单词加权。我从github获得了这样的代码,但我仍然不知道如何在我的数据框架中实现它。我拥有的数据集包含总共1000行的文本集合。代码如下: import math """ """ class FrequencyCalc: def tfidfcf(self, tfidfZip, classWordLists): """ """ tfidfcf = [] N = len(classWordLists) for (w,


 import math

class FrequencyCalc:

def tfidfcf(self, tfidfZip, classWordLists):
    tfidfcf = []
    N = len(classWordLists)
    for (w, f) in tfidfZip:
        ncij = 0
        for words in classWordLists:
            if w in words:
                ncij += 1
        v = f * (ncij / N)
    return tfidfcf

def tfidf(self, tf, idf):
    tfidf = []
    for i in range(len(tf)):
        v = tf[i] * idf[i]
    return tfidf

def tf(self, wordCount):
    tf = []
    sum = self.__totalWords(wordCount)
    for (w, n) in wordCount:
        tf.append(int(n) / sum)
    return tf

def idf(self, docWords, wordLists):
    idf = []
    N = len(wordLists)
    for w in docWords:
        nt = 0
        for words in wordLists:
            if w in words:
                nt += 1
        r = math.log(N / nt, 10)
    return idf

def __totalWords(self, wordCount):
    sum = 0
    for (w, n) in wordCount:
        sum += int(n)
    return sum



def c_tf_idf(documents, m, ngram_range=(1, 1)):
""" Calculate a class-based TF-IDF where m is the number of total documents. """
count = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=ngram_range, stop_words="english").fit(documents)
t = count.transform(documents).toarray()
w = t.sum(axis=1)
tf = np.divide(t.T, w)
sum_t = t.sum(axis=0)
idf = np.log(np.divide(m, sum_t)).reshape(-1, 1)
tf_idf = np.multiply(tf, idf)

return tf_idf, count