Python 如何使拓扑排序成为线性时间?(代码有很好的注释)

Python 如何使拓扑排序成为线性时间?(代码有很好的注释),python,topological-sort,Python,Topological Sort,问题1: 对于实现良好的拓扑排序,正确的运行时间应该是多少。我看到了不同的意见: 问题2: 我的实现在O(V*E)上运行。因为在最坏的情况下,我需要在图中循环E次,每次我都需要检查V项。如何将我的实现转换为线性时间 该算法分步骤工作: 以邻接列表的形式生成图形 e、 g.这张图 0 - - 2 \ 1 -- 3 生成此邻接列表 {0: [], 1: [0], 2: [0], 3: [1, 2]} 0不依赖于任何东西,1依赖于0等等 遍历图并查找没有任何依赖关系的节点






  • 以邻接列表的形式生成图形
  • e、 g.这张图

    0 - - 2
          1 -- 3

    {0: [], 1: [0], 2: [0], 3: [1, 2]}

  • 遍历图并查找没有任何依赖关系的节点

  • 好的,这是个好问题。只要图是有向无环的,则可以使用深度优先搜索,深度优先搜索的顺序为O(n+m),如下所述: 如果您好奇,networkx有一个使用深度优先搜索的实现,它被称为拓扑排序,它的源代码可用于查看python实现

    def produce_graph(prerequisites):
        adj = {}
        for course in prerequisites:
            if course[0] in adj:
                # append prequisites
                adj[course[0]] = [course[1]]
            # ensure that prerequisites are also in the graph
            if course[1] not in adj:
                adj[course[1]] = []
        return adj
    def toposort(graph):
        sorted_courses = []
        while graph:
            # we mark this as False
            # In acyclic graph, we should be able to resolve at least
            # one node in each cycle
            acyclic = False
            for node, predecessors in graph.items():
                # here, we check whether this node has predecessors
                # if a node has no predecessors, it is already resolved,
                # we can jump straight to adding the node into sorted
                # else, mark resolved as False
                resolved = len(predecessors) == 0
                for predecessor in predecessors:
                    # this node has predecessor that is not yet resolved
                    if predecessor in graph:
                        resolved = False
                        # this particular predecessor is resolved
                        resolved = True
                # all the predecessor of this node has been resolved
                # therefore this node is also resolved
                if resolved:
                    # since we are able to resolve this node
                    # We mark this to be acyclic
                    acyclic = True
                    del graph[node]
            # if we go through the graph, and found that we could not resolve
            # any node. Then that means this graph is cyclic
            if not acyclic:
                # if not acyclic then there is no order
                # return empty list
                return []
        return sorted_courses
    graph = produce_graph([[1,0],[2,0],[3,1],[3,2]])
    print toposort(graph)