
Python-删除列表中未包含的所有子字符串,python,string,pandas,Python,String,Pandas,我想删除df列中定义列表中不存在的所有子字符串。例如: mylist = {good, like, bad, hated, terrible, liked} Current: Desired: index content index content


mylist = {good, like, bad, hated, terrible, liked}

Current:                                         Desired:
index      content                               index        content                                          
0          a very good idea, I like it           0            good like
1          was the bad thing to do               1            bad
2          I hated it, it was terrible           2            hated terrible
...                                              ...
k          Why do you think she liked it         k            liked

pat = r'\b(?:{})\b'.format('|'.join(mylist))
df['column1'] = df['column1'].str.contains(pat, '')



df['column1'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([y for y in x.split() if y in mylist]))
print (df)
                         content         column1
0    a very good idea, I like it       good like
1        was the bad thing to do             bad
2    I hated it, it was terrible  hated terrible
3  Why do you think she liked it           liked
df['column1'] = df['content'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([y for y in x.split() if y in mylist]))
print (df)
                         content         column1
0    a very good idea, I like it       good like
1        was the bad thing to do             bad
2    I hated it, it was terrible  hated terrible
3  Why do you think she liked it           liked