Python 为什么在计算两条曲线之间的面积时,在下面的数值积分中不进行累积和?

Python 为什么在计算两条曲线之间的面积时,在下面的数值积分中不进行累积和?,python,arrays,for-loop,numpy,sympy,Python,Arrays,For Loop,Numpy,Sympy,说明: 在下面的python代码中,我将生成一个高斯PDF,即p(y)。我试图通过矩形求和的方法,找到[min_p,max_p]范围内曲线和任何水平线之间的区域。我的主要问题在于函数的实现,该函数应该为p数组中的任何特定元素(如代码中定义的)迭代计算该区域,并将其绘制为上述范围内给定值的函数 问题: 代码运行良好,但不会生成所需的单调递增/递减函数 import matplotlib from scipy.stats import norm from scipy import integrate





import matplotlib
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import numpy as np

N  = 10                                         # Number of sigmas away from central value
M, K = 2**10, 2**10                             # Number of grid points along y and p(y)

mean, sigma = 10.0, 1.0                         #Mean value and standard deviation of a Gaussian probability distribuiton (PDF)
ymin, ymax = -N*sigma+mean, N*sigma+mean        #Minimum and maximum and spacing between grid points along y-axis
ylims = [ymin, ymax]

y = np.linspace(ylims[0],ylims[1],M)            #The values of y-axis on grid points
pdf = norm.pdf(y,loc=mean,scale=sigma)          # Definiton of the normalized probability distribuiton function (PDF)
min_p , max_p = min(pdf), max(pdf)              #The maximum, minimum value of p(y) 

p = np.linspace(min_p, max_p, K)                #The values of p(y)-axis on grid points                                                                                               

def Area(p):                                    #Calculating the area under the PDF for which probability is more than pj-value for a particular jth index in pj_array above
    Areas = []                                
    for yi in y.flat:
        for p_j in p.flat:
            Area = 0.0
            delta_y = (ymax - ymin) / (M-1)    #The spacing beteen grid points along y-axis
            if (pdf[yi] > p_j): Area += (delta_y * pdf.sum())
            else: Area += 0.0
    return Areas

pyplot.plot(p, Area(p), '-')
pyplot.axis([min_p, max_p, 0, 1])


from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
import pylab as p 
%matplotlib inline

N  = 10                                         # Number of sigmas away from central value
M, K = 2**10, 2**10                             # Number of grid points along x and y

mean, sigma = 10.0, 1.0                         #Mean value and standard deviation of a Gaussian probability distribuiton (PDF)
xmin, xmax = -N*sigma+mean, N*sigma+mean        #Minimum and maximum and spacing between grid points along y-axis

xx = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,M)                    #The values of x-axis on grid points
pdf = norm.pdf(xx,loc=mean,scale=sigma )          # Definiton of the normalized probability distribuiton function (PDF)

min_p , max_p = min(pdf), max(pdf)  
pp = np.linspace(min_p,max_p, K)                        #The values of y-axis on grid points                                                                                               

delta_x = xx[1]-xx[0]    # spacing beteen grid points along x-axis
delta_p = pp[1]-pp[0]    # spacing between grid points on y-axis

def Area(p):                                    #Calculating the area under the PDF for which probability is more than pj-value for a particular jth index in pj_array above
    areas = []                                
    for i in range(nx):

        for pi  in pp :
            if (pi< pdf[i]): 
                area +=  delta_x * delta_p 
    return areas

p.plot(xx, Area(p), '-')


from scipy.stats import norm
import numpy as np
import pylab as p 
%matplotlib inline

N  = 10                                         # Number of sigmas away from central value
M, K = 2**10, 2**10                             # Number of grid points along x and y

mean, sigma = 10.0, 1.0                         #Mean value and standard deviation of a Gaussian probability distribuiton (PDF)
xmin, xmax = -N*sigma+mean, N*sigma+mean        #Minimum and maximum and spacing between grid points along y-axis

xx = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,M)                    #The values of x-axis on grid points
pdf = norm.pdf(xx,loc=mean,scale=sigma )          # Definiton of the normalized probability distribuiton function (PDF)

delta_x = xx[1]-xx[0]    # spacing between grid points along x-axis

def Area(p):                                    #Calculating the area under the PDF for which probability is more than pj-value for a particular jth index in pj_array above
    areas = []                                
    for i in range(nx):
        area +=  delta_x * pdf[i] 
    return areas

p.plot(xx, Area(p), '-')