
Python多个子正则表达式,python,python-3.x,regex,Python,Python 3.x,Regex,最初使用这样的工作脚本检查文件夹中的csv文件并替换子字符串: import fileinput import os import glob #### Directory and file mask this = r"C:\work\PythonScripts\Replacer\*.csv" output_folder = "C:\\work\\PythonScripts\\Replacer\\" #### Get files files = glob


import fileinput
import os
import glob

#### Directory and file mask
this = r"C:\work\PythonScripts\Replacer\*.csv"
output_folder = "C:\\work\\PythonScripts\\Replacer\\"

#### Get files
files = glob.glob(this)

#### Section to replace
text_to_search = 'z'
replacement_text = 'ZZ_Top'

#### Loop through files and lines:
for f in files:
    head, tail = os.path.split(f)
    targetFileName = os.path.join(head, output_folder, tail)

    with fileinput.FileInput(targetFileName, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
        for line in file:
            print(line.replace(text_to_search, replacement_text), end='')

s = '’ ‘ ’ ‘ ’ – “ ” “ – ’'
print(s.replace('’', '\'').replace('‘', '\'').replace('–','-').replace('“','"').replace('”','"'))



import re

def multisub(subs, subject):
 #   "Simultaneously perform all substitutions on the subject string."
    pattern = '|'.join('(%s)' % re.escape(p) for p, s in subs)
    substs = [s for p, s in subs]
    replace = lambda m: substs[m.lastindex - 1]
    return re.sub(pattern, replace, subject)

print(multisub([('’', '\''), ('‘', '\''), ('–','-'), ('“','"'), ('”','"')], '1’ 2‘ 1’ 2‘ 1’ 3– 4“ 5” 4“ 3– 2’'))


import fileinput
import os
import glob
import re

#### Directory and file mask
this = r"C:\work\PythonScripts\Replacer\*.csv"
output_folder = "C:\\work\\PythonScripts\\Replacer\\"

#### RegEx substitution func
def multisub(subs, subject):
 #   "Simultaneously perform all substitutions on the subject string."
    pattern = '|'.join('(%s)' % re.escape(p) for p, s in subs)
    substs = [s for p, s in subs]
    replace = lambda m: substs[m.lastindex - 1]
    return re.sub(pattern, replace, subject)

#### Get files
files = glob.glob(this)

#### Loop through files and lines:
for f in files:
    head, tail = os.path.split(f)
    targetFileName = os.path.join(head, output_folder, tail)

    with fileinput.FileInput(targetFileName, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
        for line in file:
            print(multisub([('’', '\''), ('‘', '\''), ('–','-'), ('“','"'), ('”','"')], line), end='')



#### Get files
files = glob.glob(this)

#### Loop through files and lines:
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=True, backup='.bak'):
    print(multisub([('’', '\''), ('‘', '\''), ('–','-'), ('“','"'), ('”','"')], line), end='')


import fileinput
import os
import glob
import re

#### Directory and file mask
this = r"C:\work\PythonScripts\Replacer\*.csv"
output_folder = "C:\\work\\PythonScripts\\Replacer\\"

#### RegEx substitution func
def multisub(subs, subject):
 #   "Simultaneously perform all substitutions on the subject string."
    pattern = '|'.join('(%s)' % re.escape(p) for p, s in subs)
    substs = [s for p, s in subs]
    replace = lambda m: substs[m.lastindex - 1]
    return re.sub(pattern, replace, subject)

#### Get files
files = glob.glob(this)

#### Loop through files and lines:
for f in files:
    head, tail = os.path.split(f)
    targetFileName = os.path.join(head, output_folder, tail)

    with fileinput.FileInput(targetFileName, inplace=True, backup='.bak') as file:
        for line in file:
            print(multisub([('’', '\''), ('‘', '\''), ('–','-'), ('“','"'), ('”','"')], line), end='')
#### Get files
files = glob.glob(this)

#### Loop through files and lines:
for line in fileinput.input(files, inplace=True, backup='.bak'):
    print(multisub([('’', '\''), ('‘', '\''), ('–','-'), ('“','"'), ('”','"')], line), end='')