R 控制DT表中行的高度

R 控制DT表中行的高度,r,dt,R,Dt,我有长文本第一列的dt表 library(DT) df <- data.frame(`quote` = c("the table belongs to","The table is not ordered by default (DataTables orders a table by its first column by default)", "Numeric columns



df <- data.frame(`quote` = c("the table belongs to","The table is not ordered by default (DataTables orders a table by its first column by default)",
                             "Numeric columns are always aligned to the right, since it rarely makes sense for numbers to be aligned to the left","tables have leverage with",
                             "When there are some options that you want to set for multiple tables produced from the same R session"),
                 `US`= c(43,65,92,23,73),
                 `UK` = c(86,98,55,12,08),
但这也不能给出所需的输出,文本是均匀分布在行中的。 任何关于如何使用DT表实现这一点的建议


                                    columnDefs=list(list(width = '60%', targets = "_all"))))