Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/7/python-2.7/5.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
R中dplyr管道中按组的线性插值(近似值)_R_Dplyr_Linear Interpolation - Fatal编程技术网


R中dplyr管道中按组的线性插值(近似值),r,dplyr,linear-interpolation,R,Dplyr,Linear Interpolation,我有一个问题,我觉得很难用MRE和简单的语言来解释 答案很简单,主要是因为我不完全理解问题所在 我自己所以我很抱歉说得含糊不清 我有一个带有许多样本和参考测量值的TIBLE,我想要它 对每个样本进行线性插值。我现在通过取出 所有参考测量值,使用 大约,然后将其补回。但因为我先把它拿出来,我 无法通过dplyr管道在组中很好地完成此操作。现在我用一个 我将新创建的空列添加到 对tibble进行采样,然后使用for循环进行采样 所以我的问题是:我如何在团队中实现近似部分 进入管道,这样我可以在小组内

我有一个问题,我觉得很难用MRE和简单的语言来解释 答案很简单,主要是因为我不完全理解问题所在 我自己所以我很抱歉说得含糊不清

我有一个带有许多样本和参考测量值的TIBLE,我想要它 对每个样本进行线性插值。我现在通过取出 所有参考测量值,使用 大约,然后将其补回。但因为我先把它拿出来,我 无法通过dplyr管道在组中很好地完成此操作。现在我用一个 我将新创建的空列添加到 对tibble进行采样,然后使用for循环进行采样

所以我的问题是:我如何在团队中实现近似部分 进入管道,这样我可以在小组内做任何事情?我做过实验 使用dplyr::do,并在使用dplyr编程时遇到了小插曲,但是 搜索主要是给我扫帚::增强和lm的东西,我认为运作 不同地e、 g.见 . 这条线索似乎也很有希望:

irc上有人建议使用条件突变,但我 还不完全理解在这个上下文中的位置和方式

我认为问题在于我想过滤掉部分数据 对于以下变异操作,但变异操作依赖于 我刚刚过滤掉的分组数据,如果有意义的话


library(tidyverse) # or just dplyr, tibble

# create fake data
data <- data.frame(
  # in reality a dttm with the measurement time
  timestamp = c(rep("a", 7), rep("b", 7), rep("c", 7)),
  # measurement cycle, normally 40 for sample, 41 for reference
  cycle = rep(c(rep(1:3, 2), 4), 3),
  # wheather the measurement is a reference or a sample
  isref = rep(c(rep(FALSE, 3), rep(TRUE, 4)), 3),
  # measurement intensity for mass 44
  r44 = c(28:26, 30:26, 36, 33, 31, 38, 34, 33, 31, 18, 16, 15, 19, 18, 17)) %>%
  # measurement intensity for mass 45, normally also masses up to mass 49
  mutate(r45 = r44 + rnorm(21, 20))
# of course this could be tidied up to "intensity" with a new column "mass"
# (44, 45, ...), but that would make making comparisons even harder...

# overview plot
data %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = cycle, y = r44, colour = isref)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_line(aes(y = r45), linetype = 2) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_point(aes(y = r45), shape = 1) +
  facet_grid(~ timestamp)

# what I would like to do
data %>%
  group_by(timestamp) %>%
  do(target_cycle = approx(x = data %>% filter(isref) %>% pull(r44),
    y = data %>% filter(isref) %>% pull(cycle),
    xout = data %>% filter(!isref) %>% pull(r44))$y) %>%
# immediately append this new column to the original dataframe for all the
# samples (!isref) and then apply another approx for those values.

# here's my current attempt for one of the timestamps
matchref <- function(dat) {
  # split the data into sample gas and reference gas
  ref <- filter(dat, isref)
  smp <- filter(dat, !isref)

  # calculate the "target cycle", the points at which the reference intensity
  # 44 matches the sample intensity 44 with linear interpolation
  target_cycle <- approx(x = ref$r44,
    y = ref$cycle, xout = smp$r44)

  # append the target cycle to the sample gas
  smp <- smp %>%
    group_by(timestamp) %>%
    mutate(target = target_cycle$y)

  # linearly interpolate each reference gas to the target cycle
  ref <- ref %>%
    group_by(timestamp) %>%
    # this is needed because the reference has one more cycle
    mutate(target = c(target_cycle$y, NA)) %>%
    # filter out all the failed ones (no interpolation possible)
    filter(!is.na(target)) %>%
    # calculate interpolated value based on r44 interpolation (i.e., don't
    # actually interpolate this value but shift it based on the 44
    # interpolation)
    mutate(r44 = approx(x = cycle, y = r44, xout = target)$y,
      r45 = approx(x = cycle, y = r45, xout = target)$y) %>%
    select(timestamp, target, r44:r45)

  # add new reference gas intensities to the correct sample gasses by the target cycle
  left_join(smp, ref, by = c("time", "target"))

# and because now "target" must be length 3 (the group size) or one, not 9
# I have to create this ugly for-loop

# for which I create a copy of data that has the new columns to be created
mr <- data %>%
  # filter the sample gasses (since we convert ref to sample)
  filter(!isref) %>%
  # add empty new columns
  mutate(target = NA, r44 = NA, r45 = NA)

# apply matchref for each group timestamp
for (grp in unique(data$timestamp)) {
  mr[mr$timestamp == grp, ] <- matchref(data %>% filter(timestamp == grp))


  data %>% 
    select(-r45) %>% 
    mutate(isref = ifelse(isref, "REF", "SAMP")) %>% 
    spread(isref, r44) %>% 
    group_by(timestamp) %>% 
    mutate(target_cycle = approx(x = REF, y = cycle, xout = SAMP)$y) %>% 

  # timestamp      cycle  REF  SAMP target_cycle
  # <fct>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>
  # 1  a             1    30    28          3  
  # 2  a             2    29    27          4  
  # 3  a             3    28    26         NA  
  # 4  a             4    27    NA         NA  
  # 5  b             1    31    26         NA  
  # 6  b             2    38    36          2.5
  # 7  b             3    34    33          4  
  # 8  b             4    33    NA         NA  
  # 9  c             1    15    31         NA  
  # 10 c             2    19    18          3  
  # 11 c             3    18    16          2.5
  # 12 c             4    17    NA         NA  

# # A tibble: 12 x 7
#    timestamp cycle r44_REF r44_SAMP r45_REF r45_SAMP target_cycle_r44
# <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
# 1  a             1      30       28    49.5     47.2          3  
# 2  a             2      29       27    48.8     48.7          4  
# 3  a             3      28       26    47.2     46.8         NA  
# 4  a             4      27       NA    47.9     NA           NA  
# 5  b             1      31       26    51.4     45.7         NA  
# 6  b             2      38       36    57.5     55.9          2.5
# 7  b             3      34       33    54.3     52.4          4  
# 8  b             4      33       NA    52.0     NA           NA  
# 9  c             1      15       31    36.0     51.7         NA  
# 10 c             2      19       18    39.1     37.9          3  
# 11 c             3      18       16    39.2     35.3          2.5
# 12 c             4      17       NA    39.0     NA           NA  

# # A tibble: 12 x 7
#    timestamp cycle r44_REF r44_SAMP r45_REF r45_SAMP target_cycle_r44
# <fct>        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>        <dbl>
# 1  a             1      30       28    49.5     47.2          3  
# 2  a             2      29       27    48.8     48.7          4  
# 3  a             3      28       26    47.2     46.8         NA  
# 4  a             4      27       NA    47.9     NA           NA  
# 5  b             1      31       26    51.4     45.7         NA  
# 6  b             2      38       36    57.5     55.9          2.5
# 7  b             3      34       33    54.3     52.4          4  
# 8  b             4      33       NA    52.0     NA           NA  
# 9  c             1      15       31    36.0     51.7         NA  
# 10 c             2      19       18    39.1     37.9          3  
# 11 c             3      18       16    39.2     35.3          2.5
# 12 c             4      17       NA    39.0     NA           NA