R 特定命令的进度行

R 特定命令的进度行,r,sapply,R,Sapply,有这样的代码: df <- data.frame(text = c("I love to travel to London", "Germany was a fun country to visit."), stringAsFactors = FALSE) replace_cities_countries <- function(string, replacement) { library(maps) data(world


df <- data.frame(text = c("I love to travel to London",
                          "Germany was a fun country to visit."), stringAsFactors = FALSE)

replace_cities_countries <- function(string, replacement) {
  patterns <- unique(c(world.cities$name, world.cities$country.etc))
  for (i in seq_along(patterns))
    string <- gsub(patterns[i], replacement, string, perl=TRUE)

sapply(df$text, replace_cities_countries, replacement='HOORAY!')

df <- data.frame(text = c("I love to travel to London",
                          "Germany was a fun country to visit."), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

counter <- 0
max_count <- length(df$text)

my_function <- function(x) {
  counter <<- counter + 1  # Note the double <<
  cat("Iter", counter, "/", max_count, "\n")
> out <- sapply(df$text, my_function)                                                                
Iter 1 / 2                                                                                           
Iter 2 / 2
> out                                                                                                
         I love to travel to London Germany was a fun country to visit.                              
                                 26                                  35

> length(out)                                                                                        
 [1] 2