R 将两个由点连接的单词分开

R 将两个由点连接的单词分开,r,regex,string,strsplit,R,Regex,String,Strsplit,我有一个包含新闻文章的大数据框。我注意到一些文章中有两个单词用点连接,如下示例所示政府表示退出很重要。。我将进行一些主题建模,所以我需要分离每个单词 这是我用来分隔这些单词的代码 #String example test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences") #Code



    #String example
    test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences")

    #Code to separate the words
    test <- do.call(paste, as.list(strsplit(test, "\\.")[[1]]))

   #This is what I get
  > test
  [1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots  however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences"



test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google.com for s.0.m.e more details.")
# Replace each dot that is in between word characters
gsub("\\b\\.\\b", " ", test, perl=TRUE)
# Replace each dot that is in between letters
gsub("(?<=\\p{L})\\.(?=\\p{L})", " ", test, perl=TRUE)
# Replace each dot that is in between word characters, but no in URLs
gsub("(?:ht|f)tps?://\\S*(*SKIP)(*F)|\\b\\.\\b", " ", test, perl=TRUE)

    #String example
    test <- c("i need.to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need.to keep having the dots separating sentences")

    #Code to separate the words
    test <- do.call(paste, as.list(strsplit(test, "\\.")[[1]]))

   #This is what I get
  > test
  [1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots  however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences"
  • \b\.\b

  • (?Try
    [1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google com for s 0 m e more details."
    [1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google com for s.0.m e more details."
    [1] "i need to separate the words connected by dots. however, I need to keep having the dots separating sentences. Look at http://google.com for s 0 m e more details."