R 使用div标记获取级别指示器

R 使用div标记获取级别指示器,r,selenium,web-scraping,R,Selenium,Web Scraping,我正在尝试从中提取文本(单击“打开所有级别”以便更好地理解) 我期望的输出是您在一列中看到的表中的所有文本,以及它由多少子级别组成的计数 我尝试的动态xpath treeView <- rawdata %>% html_nodes(xpath = '//div//p[contains(@class, "Mui")]') %>% html_text(trim = TRUE) treeView% html_节点(xpath='//div//p[con

我正在尝试从中提取文本(单击“打开所有级别”以便更好地理解) 我期望的输出是您在一列中看到的表中的所有文本,以及它由多少子级别组成的计数


treeView <- rawdata %>%
  html_nodes(xpath = '//div//p[contains(@class, "Mui")]') %>%
  html_text(trim = TRUE)


  • 本例中的第一个文本“电动机和发电机(不包括发电机组)”将为零(表示它没有任何父级)

  • 第二个文本;(输出功率不超过37.5 W的电机)有一个父级,因此其子级为1

  • 第三级和第四级的情况也是如此(它们只有一个父级,因此其子级为1)

  • 让我们看看第五个(输出功率不超过750 W),它有一个父级(第四个文本,inturn有一个父级)。这使得第5个文本子级别为2。这也适用于从第6页到第8页的所有文本。(1个父项+1个父项表示父项=2)

  • 第9级和第10级有一个家长,因此他们的子级别为1

  • 第11级和第12级有一个父级,父级有一个父级,因此其子级为2

  • 第13个文本(带齿轮或速度转换器的交流电机:)有1个父级(以及随后的2个父级)。所以它的子级是3

    • 您不能这样做,因为该网站上的内容是由javascript呈现的。幸运的是,如果您调查该网站上的流量,您可以找到一个API,为您提供所需的数据


      json_list <- content(GET("https://tolltariffen.toll.no/api/search/headings/85.01"))

         sublevel                                                         text
      1         6  Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets).
      2         1                     Motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 W
      3         1         Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37.5 W
      4         4                             Other DC motors; DC generators :
      5         1                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      6         1   Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      7         1   Of an output exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding \n\n 375 kW
      8         1                                Of an output exceeding 375 kW
      9         1                                Other AC motors, single-phase
      10        3                               Other AC motors, multi-phase :
      11        1                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      12        2  Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding \n\n 75 kW :
      13        2                    AC motors with gear or speed converters :
      14        1         Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 15 kW
      15        1         Of an output exceeding 15 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      16        3                                                      Other :
      17        1        Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 7.5 kW
      18        1        Of an output exceeding 7.5 kW but not exceeding 22 kW
      19        1         Of an output exceeding 22 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      20        1                           Of an output exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      21        4                                AC generators (alternators) :
      22        1                            Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA
      23        1 Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding \n\n 375 kVA
      24        1     Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA
      25        1                               Of an output exceeding 750 kVA


      recur_pluck <- function(x) {
        sublevel <- integer()
        text <- character()
        recur_ <- function(x, depth = 0L) {
          text <<- c(text, trimws(gsub("<[^<>]+>", "", x$description$en)))
          sublevel <<- c(sublevel, depth)
          if (is.null(x$headingItems)) {
          lapply(x$headingItems, recur_, depth + 1L)
        data.frame(sublevel, text)

    • 对于每个元素,函数将目标数据附加到相应的存储变量
      %| |%

       text <<- c(text, trimws(gsub("<[^<>]+>", "", x$description$en)))
       sublevel <<- c(sublevel, depth)
       code <<- c(code, x$commodityCode %||% x$headingCode %||% "")
    • 如果内部有其他

       lapply(x$headingItems, recur_, depth + 1L)
    • 最终输出为

         sublevel       code                                                         text
      1         0      85.01  Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets).
      2         1 85.01.1000                     Motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 W
      3         1 85.01.2000         Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37.5 W
      4         1                                        Other DC motors; DC generators :
      5         2 85.01.3100                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      6         2 85.01.3200   Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      7         2 85.01.3300   Of an output exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding \n\n 375 kW
      8         2 85.01.3400                                Of an output exceeding 375 kW
      9         1 85.01.4000                                Other AC motors, single-phase
      10        1                                          Other AC motors, multi-phase :
      11        2 85.01.5100                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      12        2             Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding \n\n 75 kW :
      13        3                               AC motors with gear or speed converters :
      14        4 85.01.5201         Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 15 kW
      15        4 85.01.5202         Of an output exceeding 15 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      16        3                                                                 Other :
      17        4 85.01.5203        Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 7.5 kW
      18        4 85.01.5204        Of an output exceeding 7.5 kW but not exceeding 22 kW
      19        4 85.01.5205         Of an output exceeding 22 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      20        2 85.01.5300                           Of an output exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      21        1                                           AC generators (alternators) :
      22        2 85.01.6100                            Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA
      23        2 85.01.6200 Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding \n\n 375 kVA
      24        2 85.01.6300     Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA
      25        2 85.01.6400                               Of an output exceeding 750 kVA

      字符@弗罗多汉克斯得到了那个角色。但是看起来这些子级别的捕获对于一些文本来说是不正确的。你能告诉我你找到它的逻辑吗@Frodo,我把子层次看作是父母分支的子分支的数量。例如,我认为“其他直流电动机,直流发电机,有4个子电平:1)输出超过750 W,输出不超过750瓦,但不超过75千瓦,3)的输出超过75千瓦,但不超过375千瓦,4)的输出超过375千瓦,如该网站所示。然而,你的图像告诉我,它只有2。也许我们的定义不一致。你介意澄清一下你的问题吗?很抱歉一开始不清楚。这是一个用于贸易领域的概念。子级别/缩进用于查找文本的层次级别。在OP中添加了详细信息,并添加了一个带有子级别的新图像,这是预期的输出。如果你需要更多信息,请告诉我@埃科姆
       text <<- c(text, trimws(gsub("<[^<>]+>", "", x$description$en)))
       sublevel <<- c(sublevel, depth)
       code <<- c(code, x$commodityCode %||% x$headingCode %||% "")
       if (is.null(x$headingItems)) {
       lapply(x$headingItems, recur_, depth + 1L)
         sublevel       code                                                         text
      1         0      85.01  Electric motors and generators (excluding generating sets).
      2         1 85.01.1000                     Motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 W
      3         1 85.01.2000         Universal AC/DC motors of an output exceeding 37.5 W
      4         1                                        Other DC motors; DC generators :
      5         2 85.01.3100                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      6         2 85.01.3200   Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      7         2 85.01.3300   Of an output exceeding 75 kW but not exceeding \n\n 375 kW
      8         2 85.01.3400                                Of an output exceeding 375 kW
      9         1 85.01.4000                                Other AC motors, single-phase
      10        1                                          Other AC motors, multi-phase :
      11        2 85.01.5100                       Of an output not exceeding 750 W&nbsp;
      12        2             Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding \n\n 75 kW :
      13        3                               AC motors with gear or speed converters :
      14        4 85.01.5201         Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 15 kW
      15        4 85.01.5202         Of an output exceeding 15 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      16        3                                                                 Other :
      17        4 85.01.5203        Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 7.5 kW
      18        4 85.01.5204        Of an output exceeding 7.5 kW but not exceeding 22 kW
      19        4 85.01.5205         Of an output exceeding 22 kW but not exceeding 75 kW
      20        2 85.01.5300                           Of an output exceeding 75 kW&nbsp;
      21        1                                           AC generators (alternators) :
      22        2 85.01.6100                            Of an output not exceeding 75 kVA
      23        2 85.01.6200 Of an output exceeding 75 kVA but not exceeding \n\n 375 kVA
      24        2 85.01.6300     Of an output exceeding 375 kVA but not exceeding 750 kVA
      25        2 85.01.6400                               Of an output exceeding 750 kVA